Week 5-Getting Ready For School



Preparing for success this school year will look very difficult than previous years. That's ok as long as you know how to prepare for distance learning. The video below shares many helpful strategies and suggestions for you, our Bobcat Scholar to have the most positive experience in your learning journey right now.

Please watch and let me know what you find helpful to you....Ms. Dao, School Counselor

Those Helpful Strategies

1.Set a routine schedule ( What does your time look like?)

2.Get organized with your school materials and clothes

3.Practice self-care by sleeping early, eating breakfast, get some exercise, practice mindfulness strategies

4.Find a quiet place to be in your zoom class and do your school work

5.Talk to an adult when there are questions or concerns

6.Do 1 fun activity a day (sport, music, dance, journal writing, go on a walk)

Ms. Dao's Preparing for school talk 9/9/20.webm