Week 16- Unit 3:

Lesson 15- Managing Anger


Lesson 15: Managing Anger

Why This Lesson Matters

Anger can cause lots of problems for students. In this lesson, students learn about and practice using assertiveness and a new Calming-Down Strategy, counting, to cope with strong feelings of anger. Counting can help students manage anger by engaging the thinking part of the brain. This helps students slow down so they can think before they react.


Students will be able to:

  • Use counting to calm down in response to scenarios

  • Use assertive communication skills to get what they want or need in response to scenarios

Lesson Concepts

  • Everyone feels angry sometimes, but hurting other people’s feelings or bodies is not okay.

  • It’s important to calm down angry feelings so you don’t do something hurtful.

  • Being assertive is a respectful way to get what you want or need.

Unit 3 Lesson 15 2nd Grade .webm