Week 9- Unit 2:

Lesson 7- Feeling Confident


Lesson 7: Feeling Confident

Why This Lesson Matters

Students often hold the harmful beliefs that the ability to succeed in school is predetermined and natural, and that some students are smart and some are not. Students who understand that success comes from practice and perseverance are more likely to work hard and persevere. This lesson helps students understand that confidence in their abilities can come from the success they earn when they practice and work hard.


Students will be able to:

  • Identify physical and situational clues that indicate the feeling of confidence

  • Detect when their own and others’ feelings change

Lesson Concepts

  • Practicing helps you build your confidence.

  • Feeling confident helps you do your best and makes you proud.

  • Noticing how others feel and understanding that their feelings can change helps you have empathy.

Unit 2, Lesson 7 (2nd grade).webm