Week 7 Unit 1:4

Self Talk To Stay On Task


Lesson 4: Self-Talk for Learning

Why This Lesson Matters

Self-talk is a developmentally appropriate strategy students can use to help themselves listen, follow directions, and stay on task. Over time, self-talk typically becomes internalized and no longer spoken out loud. However, whether out loud or silent, it can be a powerful tool to help students remember directions and focus and guide their efforts. Different students in your class may be at different points is this developmental continuum, but practicing and using self-instruction in some form is likely to be helpful for all students.


Students will be able to demonstrate self-talk strategies for remembering directions.

Lesson Concepts

  • Self-talk means talking to yourself out loud in a quiet voice or inside your head.

  • Self-talk helps you focus and maintain attention.

Week 7-Unit 1:4 Self Talk To Stay on Task 9/23/20.webm