2D Breadth Assignment #10

Reflective Surfaces or Self-Portraits

Areas of focus: proportion, scale, contrast, balance

Goal: look under your bed, inside your closet; self-portraits, including your image, reflected in a mirror, distorted in flute keys, metal tree ornament, teapot, through a glass of water, and in a spoon. Reflective objects still-life with self-portrait component demonstrating a strong range of abilities and variety in techniques and mediums, concepts, black-and-white mediums, color mediums, and a mixed variety. Focus on creating emphasis and contrast using directional lighting.

Reflective Surfaces


1. In your sketchbook, brainstorm a list of several different ideas for reflective surfaces that you might use. Your ideas can include your a portrait reflected or show reflections of other objects within them.

2. Take any needed reference photos. You may need to go to a specific location or set up a still life arrangement to do so.


- Make sure to set up lighting that accentuates the reflections you are trying to capture.

- Remember the importance of composition. The rule of thirds is always a great starting point!

- Think about audience engagement, what subject matter can they relate to and be drawn in by?

Reflective Portraits

3. Looking at your photos and your previously completed work, select your media. At this point in the semester, you want to make sure that you have created work in a wide variety of media. Consider what media choice will help round out your portfolio and work successfully with the image you have selected.

4. Begin your final work, remember your maximum size is 18"x24" and your minimum size is 8"x10" unless you have special consideration from your teacher.


-Draw what you seen in the reflections, not what you think you see. Reflections distort normal porportions, look for these distortions.

-Look for the unusual pops of reflected colors within your colors. This can range from really bright highlights or dark shadows. Allow them to be addressed in your work.