When to create a new campaign or use an existing campaign

We recommend that you create a new campaign for every combination of Topic and Medium - Topic is what the campaign is about, and Medium is where it will be posted. For example, if you have a landing page to download a White-Paper on Safety that will be promoted on Facebook and LinkedIn, you would create two campaigns:

  • White-Paper - Safety - Facebook

  • White-Paper - Safety - LinkedIn

Use cases for paid ad campaigns:

  • If you have 2 ads with different topics in different mediums, create a campaign for each ad.

  • If you have 2 ads with different topics in the same medium, create a campaign for each ad.

  • If you have 2 ads with the same topic in the same medium, create only 1 campaign for the 2 ads.

  • If you have 2 different ads with the same topic on the same medium but will be posted on different dates, create only 1 campaign for the 2 ads. To determine which ad performed better, you can filter by date-range.

Why not create a new campaign for each individual post? Wouldn't that tell us how effective each post is compared to others?

The short answer is Yes, we can create a campaign for each post, but it isn't entirely necessary. Creating a new campaign for each post makes reporting tricky when there are many posts. The simpler (and our recommended) alternative is to simply filter the campaign reports by date if you'd like to see how many responses there were to a given post. This also means that you can re-use campaigns over and over when posting on the same medium about a topic that has been posted before.