Preparing data to migrate:
Make sure all required fields are available prior to migration. Migration will not continue if all required fields are not available.
You can map other relevant columns to available fields in FunnelBud even if they are not required.
Before uploading files to the Migration Tool, ensure the .CSV files have proper relationship mappings.
If an opportunity or other type of record is mapped to a lead or contact that does not exist in FunnelBud, the record will not be migrated.
In all CSV files, remove all special characters for smoother migration. Some special characters are permitted, but some are not and cause errors during migration.
CSV files must be UTF-8 encoded and not ASCII.
Strive for clean .CSVs without extra, unnecessary columns. It is easy to make mistakes with these extra fields cluttering the interface.
CRM IDs are typically alphanumeric, but IDs that are exclusively integers will also work.
Ensure that the title for each column is a single line. See the difference here.