Deactivating the list, and permanently deleting the list

Deactivating the list, and permanently deleting the list.MP4

In some cases, you will be asked to deactivate a list or even to delete a list.

Simple go to settings and Select Deactivate a list if you want your list to be deactivated. Keep in mind all deactivated list CAN be enabled later on. This is useful in cases where you see something is wrong with a list and you need time to figure it out and do not want any new contacts to be added to the list.

Permanently deleting a list can be used in cases when you do not need you list anymore.

  • Go to Automation > List

  • Find a list that you want to remove, click on settings icon.

  • Select remove (keep in mind this will deactivate the list and will not delete it permanently)

  • Now in your list find inactive list and on settings select Delete permanently