Why not all emails are delivered?

FunnelBud suppresses sending emails to contacts that have low engagement scores, or invalid email addresses to protect your  IP reputation. You can read about IP reputation in this resource.

Another reason may be that the recipient's inbox is full, the server used by their email provider is down or they block you from sending emails to their address. Those contacts will be marked as a soft or hard bounce. You can learn more about what hard and soft bounce is in this resource.

To check for the reason why a contact didn't receive an email when it should follow those instructions:

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Our system will automatically suppress sending emails to unengaged contacts in order to protect the sender's IP reputation. There is a way to lift suppression from unengaged contacts. If you want suppression to be lifted on your account, please contact support or your project manager.

Please note that email suppression is set to protect the sender's IP reputation and deliverability rate. When a contact receives emails and they do not open them for a prolonged period of time, it will damage your IP reputation and email providers will start placing emails sent from your IP address in a recipient's spam folder.

How to send emails to unengaged clients when suppression is lifted:

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