

All schools in East Renfrewshire follow the Education Department’s Dressing for Excellence Policy.

Your child is invited to wear the uniform of their home school or the uniform of Carlibar.

We asked that all items are clearly labelled to avoid any mix ups amongst pupils. We encourage pupils at all stages to take personal responsibility for their own belongings. Any lost items that are found in and around the school will be put in the lost property box which is at the back right hand side of the dinner hall.

P.E. / Outdoor Learning clothing

We encourage pupils to independently dress and take part in regular planned physical activities. A class timetable will be shared at the beginning of the year with you which will include the day that PE will take place. Due to covid restrictions, most P.E. will take place outdoors or take a different form than in normal sessions.

We ask that your child has weather appropriate clothing for all outdoor activities. Children may be in our playground, splashing in puddles, climbing trees or trampling in the mud. If waterproof clothing is unavailable please inform your child's teacher so that other arrangements can be made for them.

For pupils on a part time placement it may be helpful to have a kit available in both schools or for the items to be placed in their school bag to be used in both settings.