Early Learning and Childcare

Early Learning Communication Service

Pre-school Assessment and Development Unit (PSADU)

If your child requires additional support whilst at nursery, this will be provided in the first instance through their existing Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) setting and will be highlighted through the child’s wellbeing plan. If the ELC setting feels that increased additional support is required they will consult with you and the educational psychologist and a referral to the Early Years Intervention Group (EYIG) may be made. A decision will then be made about whether to assign the child a place at the PSADU. Within the PSADU children are generally offered two sessions a week and are grouped together on the basis of need. This is offered in addition to their ELC placement.

Placements at the PSADU are based on 12 week blocks. At the end of the 12 weeks your child may return to their ELC setting or be allocated another 12 weeks. If your child is allocated a place within the PSADU you will be notified in writing. A member of staff from the PSADU will visit the home ELC setting and observe your child and participate in a planning meeting.

Your child will then be given a transition passport to prepare them for coming to the PSADU and you will be given the opportunity to visit the PSADU for a tour. Whilst your child is being supported in the PSADU, staff from the child’s home ELC setting will get the opportunity to observe strategies used in the PSADU.

At week 10 you will be invited to a review meeting. During this meeting it may be agreed that more time is required in the PSADU. If this is the case the placement will be extended. If it is agreed that the targets have been met and the placement is to end, the date of the last session will be confirmed. CCC staff will support this transition by sharing good practice in week 13 and 14 through visiting and working in the home ELC setting.