Outreach & The Den 

Outreach Support

For many pupils the least intrusive support is within their home ELC setting or school. CCC outreach staff can support in the child’s familiar setting amongst their peers to further develop social communication and interaction skills, emotional regulatory and support . Staff will offer advice and support to the staff within the child’s home school. 

There are two models of outreach time allocations, standard and intense outreach. The ERG will recommend which model best suits, based on the needs of the child.

Outreach support is allocated in a number of ways, including:

• Working out with class with individual children

• Working out with class with a group of children

• Working in class team teaching (e.g. co-delivering Social Use of Language Programme)

• Working in class supporting child with targets.


(Dynamic Enhanced nurture)

o   The DEN@Carlibar has been created as part of the redesign and extension of East Renfrewshire’s SEBN Outreach Service

o   The DEN@Carlibar offers additional intensive intervention for identified pupils (not placement)

o   The DEN@Carlibar offers short term intervention (3-5 terms) to primary pupils only.  

o   The DEN@Carlibar will provide a lower primary grouping and an upper primary grouping, for a maximum for 2.5 days.

o   Each grouping having capacity to support up to 4 children (numbers dependent on children’s individual and collective needs). 


o   DEN@Carlibar will provide the emotional safety and attuned relationships that promote wellbeing. 

o   Staff will use a trauma informed approach and a pedagogy guided by the 6 Nurture Principles,

o   DEN@Carlibar will provide a safe and secure environment with a predictable structure alongside high expectations and a focus on achievement.

o   The long term aim is to support a positive school experience for each child and an ability to access learning

o   The intervention allows staff to respond to the child out with the traditional classroom

o   Experiences are planned to meet the child’s developmental stage.

o   Children will be supported to explore and develop a sense of identity including an increased awareness of their emotional responses

o   Children will have opportunities to engage in flexible and responsive learning experiences which meet their individual needs through play and outdoor education.