Parent Information

We see parents as true partners in education, and like them to be involved as much as possible in the education of their children.

Pupil progress is reviewed termly in a planned review meeting and Parents’ Evenings. We advocate the use of emails and/or Home/School Diary to share important information, monitor if necessary, ask / answer questions or queries, practical advice and fixing dates.

Where appropriate and requested we will work collaboratively with parents/carers to transfer skills and identify specific strategies within the home. We would encourage you to contact the school or staff if you feel this would be an area of interest.

We aim to invite parents of to showcase events within the CCS and PSADU twice within the school calendar, though our 2020/2021 session may look different this year.

The school website provides parents with up to date information and links to a range of policies and other key information. This site was developed in partnership with parents and their feedback will continue to be sought to further improve the information that we provide about our school.

We aim to upload images onto Twitter for you to see what your child has been doing and to provide a platform for you to talk about your child’s learning.

If you wish to contact us you can telephone or visit the office in person. If you can give the office staff as much information as possible they will be able to direct your enquiry to the most appropriate staff member or arrange to get back to you with a meeting time if this is what you require.