Primary Support

If your child attends primary school and requires additional support, this will be provided in the first instance through the school and will be highlighted through the child’s wellbeing plan. If the school feels increased additional support is required they will consult with you and the educational psychologist and a referral to the Education Resource Group (ERG) may be made. A decision will then be made about whether to assign the child a place at CCC.

If a pupil is allocated a CCC placement through the ERG, their time within the CCC and home school is carefully assessed, planned and reviewed. The amount of time spent at CCC will vary between each pupil, based on their own individual needs. Classes are formed around the individual needs and strengths of children and this is reviewed every school session. For this reason class groups are not always arranged according to chronological age, although, where possible, the aim is to place children within year groups.

The term ‘home school’ refers to a pupil’s registered school (i.e. the school that you applied for when they started or were due to start school) and this will remain their school during the duration of their placement with CCC. The main aim of the CCC is to support children to maintain their home school placement, wherever possible.

If your child is allocated a place within CCC, you will be notified in writing. A member of staff from CCC will visit the home school to observe your child in class and participate in a planning meeting. Your child will be given a transition passport to prepare them for coming to CCC and you will be given the opportunity to visit CCC for a tour.

Within the first term of a child joining the CCC, the home school teacher and CCC will agree upon the suggested targets set by the previous teachers at the end of the session, based on an assessment of the child’s development in social, emotional and language framework (SELF assessment). This is used to identify skills which, when explicitly developed, will lead to the pupil being able to fully access learning and the environment.

There will be at least one formal meeting per year where targets are discussed between parents, staff and a member of the Educational Psychology team. Your child’s wellbeing plan will be updated based on the outcome of the meeting and this will be shared with you. Placements will be discussed and reviewed within all meetings.

In Primary 1 there will normally be an additional settling review and in Primary 7 another one to discuss and review pupil transition into the secondary phase.

Staff in CCC and home schools will work closely together to ensure you child gets the best support possible. This will include reciprocal visits to the home school and CCC by staff. Your child’s allocated educational psychologist will observe your child to review the suitability of placement and this will inform recommendations regarding either an increase or decrease of time in CCC.