

As we approach the end of the school year, we hope you join us in reflecting upon what has been a positive session. We welcomed many pupils both at the beginning of Primary 1 and throughout the year.

We are now planning to welcome the 16 new Primary 1 pupils in August. However alongside the joy of welcoming new pupils, we sadly have to say goodbye to our Primary 7. We all wish them every success and happiness in the next part of their journey. Nuala, Evan, Brandon, Jayden, Odin and Finlay, we hope you stay in touch and remember your time in the CCS with some fond memories. We also thank their families for allowing us to be part of your child's lives and for your support.

Jubilee Street Party 

We were delighted to welcome so many of you to our Jubilee Street party on Wednesday 1st June. It was a huge success and we were overwhelmed by everyone's generosity and kindness.

We are pleased to share with you that we raised an amazing £1530.90 for the CCS school funds.

Thank you to all the donations to our raffle, tombola, bottle and toy stall as well as home baking.

We were very lucky with the weather and hope you enjoyed the opportunity to be back in the school, meeting other parents and seeing your children having fun.

For those who were unable to make the event, we hope you will be able to join us at our Christmas coffee morning.


Sporty Kids

Following the success of our last Family Event, I am delighted to share with you that the manager of Sporty Kids has kindly agreed to offer the use of his soft play, free of charge. He commented that he was able to recognise the impact the event had upon parents. We cannot thank Ian enough.

We have agreed that pupils, parents and siblings can enjoy the sole use of Sporty kids on Tuesday 14th June from 6.00 pm-7.45 pm

We hope that as many families can join us as last time.


Parents Night and Reports

We hope you welcomed the opportunity to both read the annual report on your child's progress and the time to meet with your child's class teacher.

If you wish to make any comments on your child's summative report, please complete the form below. Your comment will be included within their Wellbeing plan.

Link Educational Psychologist

We have been fortunate to have Chris Atherton as the link educational psychologist in the CCS for ten years. He has been an active stakeholder in the development and success of changes made within the CCS. He has also had a positive impact on so many of our children's outcomes through his direct and indirect involvement with pupils, parents and in supporting staff. The school allocation of educational psychologists is reviewed and monitored at the end of each school session. Next session Chris will no longer be our link psychologist, although he will continue to support our mainstream and nursery on campus. Mrs Christine McGovern will take over his role for the CCS from August. I have worked closely with Christine as the link for the PSADU and for some of our children who have split placements here, so I am confident that she will continue to support pupils, parents and staff a similar way. For those families who currently have Chris as their child's named psychologist, he will meet with Christine to share information over the Summer break. There will be no doubt opportunities for you to meet and work alongside Christine in the coming year.

We wish Chris all the very best and thank him for all his hard work and commitment. I know I will personally miss his support. 


We would welcome you involvement and views on reflecting upon our service this school session and planning for next. If you are willing and able, please complete the form below so we can represent your views within the end of year report. We would also like to include your thoughts on the next steps and areas of improvement.

Alternatively please contact me via email to share with thoughts


The last day of school is Tuesday 28 June. We will close at 1 pm


We look forward to welcome everyone back on Wednesday 17th August.


Can I personally thank you all for your help and support throughout this school session. There have been many ups and downs mainly associated with the impact of Covid however it is welcoming to see that we are moving back to some normality.

Thank you to all our hard working staff members who work so hard each and every day. Their commitment and willingness to go over and beyond never fails to surprise me.

We wish you and your families a happy and healthy summer break.

Annie McGauley

May Newsletter 2022 

This will only be a short newsletter to round up any latest news from April.

The biggest announcement has to be the appointment of our new Headteacher, Mr Ian Gilles.

Mr Gilles has begun to visit the campus and meet pupils and he will start in post on Monday 16th May 2002. We offer him a warm welcome and we look forward to working with him.

Sporty Kids - Tuesday 14th June from 6.00 pm-7.45 pm 

Following the success of our last Family Event, I am delighted to share with you that the manager of Sporty Kids has kindly agreed to offer the use of his soft play, free of charge. He commented that he was able to recognise the impact the event had upon parents. We cannot thank Ian enough.

We have agreed that pupils, parents and siblings can enjoy the sole use of Sporty kids on Tuesday 14th June from 6.00 pm-7.45 pm

We hope that as many families can join us as last time.

We hope to arrange another event at another location on separate date either before the end of term or early in the new school year.

Jubilee Street Party Wednesday 1st June from 10 – 11.30am. 

We look forward to welcoming all our families to the Jubilee Street Party.

There will be a number of stalls and games for you to enjoy with your child, raffles and tombola as well as an opportunity to meet with other parents.

Tickets will be available to purchase through parent pay or on the day at £2.50 which includes tea, coffee and cakes.

For those who are unable to join us on the day, there will be an opportunities for you to purchase raffle tickets or offer donations.

There will be a short Teams meeting on Thursday 12th May at 5pm for anyone that is willing and able to help and support both in advance on the day.

Please follow the link below to join us.

Parents Night and Reports 

All parents will be invited to meet with class teachers on Wednesday 8th June between 3.00 pm and 6.00 pm

This provides an opportunities to discuss the summative report which you will receive before parents night, wellbeing plan evaluations as well as the next steps / targets for the following school year.

Since the changes to restrictions, you will be given the choice of a face to face appointment or a telephone call.

Further information will be shared in the coming weeks

New classes for 2022-2023 

We have been busily working with educational psychologist, host schools and other professionals to create the classes for next school session. This is never an easy task and there are many factors which have to be considered including 18 new Primary 1's, most of who will be supported on a full time basis.

For those families where there is a proposed change to support in the CCS, this will be discussed with you by the educational psychologist if it hasn't already taken place.

We always consider what we feel is the best thing for your child.

There will be informal visits to meet new class teachers, classrooms and all pupils will be given an information booklet to prepare them over the holidays. A letter with the information on the class teacher and class will be sent to you in due course

Diary Dates 

The school will be closed for:

For May weekend on  Friday 27 May

For May weekend  and Queen's Platinum Jubilee on Thursday 2 June and Friday 3 June

The last day of school  is Tuesday 28 June. We will close at 1 pm