Our Service

about Carlibar Communication Services

Carlibar Communication Service (CCS) is an East Renfrewshire resource for Early Learning and Childcare and primary aged children who require intensive additional support with:

• Language and communication needs

• Social interaction

• Rigidity and flexibility of thinking

• Emotional and sensory regulation

The service is based within Carlibar Primary School and provides a wide range of support for pupils from

across East Renfrewshire schools. The service is made up of four key elements:

• Pre-school Assessment and Development Unit (PSADU) offering support to Early Learning and Childcare aged children

• Carlibar Communication Centre (CCC) offering support to primary aged children

• Outreach support (Primary and Early Learning and Childcare)

• Consultation and advice to schools and parents.

Each of these services provide pupils with additional support to meet their educational needs in a setting which is right for them.


Outdoor Space


Soft Play