Commit to Graduate.

What is it?

Commit to graduate is East Peoria's way of encouraging students to take graduation seriously at East Peoria Community High School. In order to symbolize this commitment, each class has a memento they are creating. All of these will be displayed at the graduation ceremony to show their years of commitment.


The freshman memento is a large banner signed by the entirety of the class of 2023 as their way of showing their commitment to graduate.


The sophomore class has signed a bottle cap each which were collected by the teachers and will be placed in the shape of a graduation cap to display their unity in graduation.


The junior class chose a colored rock, signed it in marker, and then placed it in the atrium around the pond in order to serve as a reminder of their goals.


The senior class signed a graduation gown which will be donned by whichever teacher is selected to speak at their graduation. This will be a way to show their chosen teacher how much their contribution to their education meant to them, and signify that they, too, are now ready for their own caps and gowns.