
Boys' Cross Country

The East Peoria Raiders were invited to the Peoria High invite at Detweiller park on Saturday October second. "We all ran around our goal times, we did pretty good." EP Junior Ben Riggenbach said when asked what he thought about the meet. The Raiders in attendance that ran were Mathew Gray, Ben Riggenbach, Aiden Thompson, Zach Alt, Dawson Stout, Bailey Webster, and Colin Heronimous. Ben Riggenbach also added, “I would say that time with the team is everyone's favorite part.” Congratulations to the boys Cross County Raiders on all their hard work.

Pontiac Marching Band Competition

On Saturday, September 18th, the East Peoria Marching Band placed second in their class with an additional caption for Best Winds at their Pontiac competition. This year’s show titled “Angels and Demons” featured clarinet and color guard solos, unique themed uniforms, and a woodwind feature. After being forced to take a break from competitive marching due to Covid-19, this year is especially important for the East Peoria Marching Band.

Bryn Osborne, clarinet soloist, section leader, and senior, was both “proud and nervous” about her solo which she performed beautifully. She describes her section leader position as “going back to what it was before” only now she is both “older” and “wiser”. Lainey Campbell, another senior at East Peoria Community High School, describes Covid as “leaving a huge gap since our last competitive season”. Lainey describes the new requirements for marching band such as indoor instrument masks, weekly testing, and social distancing. She is most excited for the U of I competition because it is “always one to remember and it’s super cool to see what all the other bands are doing in their shows”. All members of the band this year have been taking advantage of getting to know their peers, compete, and, most of all, enjoy marching band.

Raiders vs. United Township

The JV football team played United Township September 3rd. The score ended up being 30-42 but the raiders kept a good attitude and they tried their best. They were winning for a moment there but United Township swept the win from under their feet. Adam Burton got tackled and hurt, players and cheerleaders took a knee till they knew he was alright. An ambulance came and he is now fine and recovering. The JV raiders left that game ready to start practicing again and try to take a win from the next game.

Robo Raiders FTC Kickoff

This 2021-2022 FIRST Tech Challenge season kicked off this past September 18, with the EP Robo Raiders meeting up at Richwoods High School with other teams in the Central Illinois region to celebrate. This year’s game, Freight Frenzy, features difficult terrain for robots to navigate over, teetering platforms to place “cargo” blocks and spheres onto, and plenty of yellow rubber ducks. When asked about her feelings regarding the upcoming season, 2-year programming veteran Bianca Wike says that she’s “really excited for the season and can’t wait to get started programming the robot! I think [programming the robot to move autonomously] will be a challenge, but will hopefully be a good experience.”

The EP Robo Raiders meet weekly on Wednesday and Sunday evenings, with several competitions taking place throughout the winter and spring. Make sure to check out our website at http://www.eproboraiders.com/ and our Facebook page at https://facebook.com/EPRoboRaiders for more information and updates throughout the season!

EPCHS Chorale

Chorale is a competitive chorus where students sing both acapella and alongside instruments. Every monday at 6:15, these choristers meet in the choir room but they also practice in various staircases for an echo effect as well as the auditorium to hear what they will sound like during performances. The members range anywhere from freshmen to seniors and they are currently looking to expand further if anyone is interested!

Washington Marching Band Competition

On Saturday, September 11th, the competitive East Peoria Community High School Marching Band competed in their 1st competition of the marching season. The competitive band is composed of students who perform a show during football games and represent the school at competitions.

The band started at 9am that morning with a 2-hour rehearsal, dispersing for a quick lunch break before coming back to the school to load buses in preparation to leave for competition. After arriving in Washington students prepared for the competition by getting on uniforms and spent some time hyping each other up for a great performance. The band had a short warm-up time and then started a quiet walk to Washington’s football field.

In competition the band performed parts 1 and 2 of their show, entitled Angels and Demons. This included parts from Angels in the Architecture by Frank Ticheli and the soundtrack of Angels and Demons by Hans Zimmerman.

The East Peoria Community High School Marching Band came in 2nd place. With IVC in 1st, Canton in 3rd, and Kewanee in 4th.

The band students would like to thank the marching band staff for giving their time to the program, along with all the parents who helped with creating and moving props, hair, and uniforms. You can see the marching band perform at any home football game at halftime or at Metamora on October 9th.

Why Did You Join Competitive Band?

“I was new to the school and looking for extracurricular activities.” - Tess Schneblin (senior, drum major)

“I joined marching band because my brother was involved but mostly because I wanted a greater commitment to music.”-Bryce Woodard (senior, trumpet)

How Did You Feel Before, During, and After the Show?

“Nervous before because I wanted to improve, a lot of adrenaline during, and proud after.” -Maddie Ingolia (senior, clarinet)

“Before as always there was a bit of nerves that comes with every performance. During I remember listening to the band and being able to realize that our performance then was leagues before what it was last week and afterward there was a genuine sense of triumph and surprise.”- Bryce

What's Your Favorite Part of the Show/Band?

“My favorite part of band is the people and bonding with my section.” -Maddie

“The one pilé that we do.”- Ben Osborne (sophomore, baritone)

Boys' Golf

Mattoon Invite

The varsity golf squad was out to battle 40 different teams throughout the 2 day tournament. The courses were Meadowview Golf Course on 9/10/21 and a more challenging Mattoon Country Club on 9/11/21. The first 18-hole round at Medowview Golf Course was a struggle, but the golfers made it through with no scores in the hundreds. Although most of the team was disappointed with their scores the golfers had to remember coach Plummer's quote of "forget about the previous shot and think about the next shot." The low score for the Raiders at Meadowview was an 82 by Connor Watson, and the close second was an 88 by Kenny Hoosen. After gaining our strength back for round 2 the varsity squad had to fight even harder due to the more challenging course and the very windy conditions. The final scores came in and they tied the previous score of 349 from round one by taking an 83 (Kenny Hoosen) which Kenny said, "was one of the best 18-hole rounds I ever had." The team also took an 84 (Connor Watson), 89 (Payton Stewart), and 93 (Griffin Watson). Although a 349 wasn’t the best score for varsity, Coach Plummer was proud of how some of the varsity improved from the previous day and fought through the conditions and the course.

If you are interested in being part of Raider golf, the golf team holds practices after school at 3:15 pm at Quail Meadows Golf Course on Centennial drive. The team would be happy to have new members on the team. The golf tryouts next year will be in August of 2022 if you would like to join. For more information about raider golf please contact Coach Plummer at mplummer@ep309.org.

Girls Tennis

Tennis is one of many fall sports available at our school. It begins in August and goes until October. EPCHS girls tennis is an inclusive, beginner-friendly, fantastic after-school sport! Our team this year is full of wonderful girls and is looking to add many new players every year. Two players were interviewed below about their experience on the team and how the season is going.

If you are interested in getting into tennis there are open gyms over the summer and practice starts in the fall!

One of the seniors on varsity tennis, Kaylie Hammel, was interviewed about her fourth year on the tennis team.

How is your last year going?

A: Pretty good and I am happy that we can have a regular season for the most part.

What are you most excited for this season?

A: The bus rides with my teammates and senior night.

What is it like having all away matches?

A: I don’t like it because my friends and family are not able to attend the farther away games and we don’t get home-court advantage

One of our new players on junior varisty, freshman Lacee Regehr, was interviewed about her first year on the tennis team.

How is your first year of tennis?

A: Good and lots of fun.

Do you plan on playing again?

A: Yes

What has been your favorite part so far?

A: Playing the match against Kewanee because it was my first win of the season

Girl's Cross Country

On Saturday, September 11th, the East Peoria's girls cross country team competed in the biggest invitational meet of the season, “First to the Finish Invite” at Detwiler Park in Peoria. Teams from all over the state were there with over 800 runners in some races. Hanna Moeller states how this year's invitational races were way more fun than last year, “Because of Covid last year we weren’t able to have our big invite races with 60 different teams, instead we had dual races with only 3 other teams, so the huge Detwiler invite race this year was so fun and cool to be apart of again.” The girls cross country team is off to a great start or the season and can’t wait to compete in more races!

Key Club

An Interview with Mr. Fleming

  • How did you become interested in hosting Key Club for our school?

    • I used to lead Project Graduation for the seniors here at the school for several years, but gave that up years ago, and still coach wrestling, and was kind of looking for something to get involved with besides that. The position opened up and Mrs. Laredo actually approached me about it. It sounded great and getting students involved in volunteering is awesome! I went to Peoria Notre Dame and volunteering was actually a graduation requirement so it was forced on us to actually volunteer. We had to do 100 hours by the end of 4 years. I think it was such a great thing! Giving back to your community and specific groups is so essential and creates such a ripple effect! I agreed and have been doing it for 2 years now.

  • What has been your favorite part of Key Club so far?

    • My favorite part is seeing the effect that the club's service and volunteering has on the groups in which it serves. Our time and effort goes a long way and can make such a huge difference in people's lives. That is amazing and so powerful!

  • What are you looking forward to the most for Key Club this year?

    • Getting back to more in person events and weekly meetings! We missed out on a lot last year! The meetings are better in person seeing everyone and actually getting out in the community and seeing those that we are volunteering for!

  • How can students get involved with Key Club?

    • Key Club is completely voluntary and on your time... whenever you can make it. The best way to get involved is attending our weekly meetings Tuesday mornings at 7:30 in the library. The google classroom code is CLVSPGC..... join that for all information and updates on what we are doing! Then if something interests you, you want to help, come out and join us!

  • Is there anything else you would like to mention about Key Club?

    • I love that Key Club is completely student driven! That means that you guys as students steer the ship! We do activities that you are interested in, serving organizations that you are passionate about, and give back to groups that you choose in our community! (I am just here to make suggestions and give guidance)

If you would like to learn more about upcoming opportunities regarding Key Club, come to the meetings on Tuesday mornings at 7:30 before school in the library!


Dirt. In our everyday lives, dirt has always formed a special part in our day to day activities. From staining our clothes to being the soil needed for plants, dirt has become a foundation of life itself. Speaking of which, dirt could also be referred to as earth. Funny enough, the very place that we live on is called Earth.

On this lovely planet of ours, we seem to take our actions and consequences for granted. The idea of having to worry about the big picture has been drowned out by the numbing sensations and experiences that humans perform from one moment into the next. The idea of taking care of ourselves comes to mind more than the idea of caring for our planet. Neglecting such an intricate and important aspect of our lives can impose major consequences, but there is always a starting point for learning.

This is where H.O.P.E. Club comes in. Jorge Novoa, a current Senior of the class of 2022, decided to interview one of the most important individuals of H.O.P.E. Club: Mr. Hobbs. After the interview, Jorge obtained some general information about the club and inspirational information about Mr. Hobbs.

To begin, H.O.P.E. Club’s founding sponsor is Mr. Martin Hobbs. This year, there is a cofounder by the name of Mr. Tennell who is only a few classrooms away from Mr. Hobbs. The acronym “H.O.P.E.” stands for “Healing Our Planet’s Environment.” In order to provide a better understanding of what the club is, Mr. Hobbs explained how the achievement of H.O.P.E. Club is to provide environmental community service, like doing clean-ups and recycling, as well as trying to provide current environmental events and topics. As a final hook, it was revealed that H.O.P.E. Club has participated and plans to participate in multiple events during the school year. Among these events include stadium clean-ups, community clean-ups, Clean Water Celebration, and some field trips, one of them being a field trip to plant trees with the Living Lands and Waters group.

Apart from the basic information and events about H.O.P.E. Club that was given, the interviewer decided to ask some more personal and profound questions. Some of the answers to these questions were heartwarming, in a sense. Mr. Hobbs explained about his passion for environmental causes and mentions that a favorite aspect of the club for him would be how students come together to try to learn and understand environmental issues, even if they don’t have a whole lot of previous knowledge on the topic. Apart from that, he likes to explain that environmental issues are relevant and important because there isn’t a second planet that people can escape and flee to. Finally, Mr. Hobbs had a message that he wanted to send out:

“Well, I think a big thing is a lot of times with environmental issues, it seems like there’s so much to do that how can one person help, but it really does add up. Each person does something. They may inspire other people to do something, as far as cleanups or energy conservation, so, I really want people to know, students to know, that are apart of HOPE Club that even if it just seems like it’s just themselves, they’re really making a much wider impact as other people can see. They’re contributing and helping.”

-Martin Hobbs

Archived Posts

2020-2021 School Year

Boys' Soccer

Senior Night

Boys' soccer is off to a great season! After a delayed season last year, due to Coronavirus, Brandon Taylor, Senior, says, “the team definitely struggled taking a year off and it definitely showed who was working to better themselves while we were off, but we have worked through our difficulties and hope to be able to finish the season without it being canceled or postponed this year.” The boys soccer team is working harder than ever to make this a comeback season, including more practice, extra instruction, and overall determination.

Seniors have a variety of favorite memories, from Tyler Eckberg saying, “before the games of hyping up and after celebrating our wins when they came.” And David Minchew, Senior, saying “my favorite memory would probably be when we do small scrimmages during practice.” This sport has shown these impressionable teenagers passion, responsibility and drive.

The EP Boys Soccer team season is flying by and the hard work is paying off.

Finish strong, boys!

Interview With Mr. Schneblin On This Year's Marching Band Season During Pandemic

Are there any positives despite the setback of Covid-19? The first thing that comes into my mind is that you actually get to see the students...teachers who are teaching everyday in the building look so sad because they miss students...I still get to see students like twice a week which I am really excited about.
What precautions are you taking this year to ensure the students safety? EPCHS Marching Raiders and staff are taking extra measures this year in order to keep safe and healthy in the midst of a pandemic. [Marching competitions] are reinforcing covid by wearing face masks anytime they are not playing their instruments and using drills that require them to be a minimum of 6 feet apart, so the band can still have a show. They also have a check in before you can enter to make sure everyone is symptom free.
Since all of our competitions got cancelled, is there anything left of the season? The EP community can expect to hopefully see a couple performances from the Marching Raiders show this season following the guidelines against Covid-19. Band director, Mr. Schneblin and the staff are trying to arrange shows so the season is not completely lost This year's marching band show is all about Disney [we're planning to go to Disney World Orlando Resort in Florida this season]!

Even though it seems like our entire 2020 Marching band season was knocked out because of COVID, we still have lots to look forward to. Despite all of the competitions getting cancelled, there is plenty planned for the students to do, and active preparations for even more. This season will be different and stand out for many reasons, not just the music, however, we're still excited for what the future holds.

A Spectator's View

On September 15th East Peoria Lady Raiders tennis team took on the Morton Potters in multiple matches. Rebecca Bond, Josie Berns, Kaylie Hammel, Allyson Mcelyea, Sofia Zaccarias and Grace Calvin all played singles. All of these ladies worked very hard and had fun while doing so. Allyson Mcelyea and Josie Berns, Ali Zbinden and Jacy Durdel all played doubles. They hustled and put in maximum amounts of effort for a well fought match. The Morton Potters were a tough team but the Lady Raiders did not seem phased.

Photo taken by Korey Atterberry

Marching in the Year of COVID

During this year of change and distance, some EP clubs and organizations have still found a way to meet and do what they love. One of these groups is the East Peoria Marching Band. While we are not competing this year, we are still performing and doing what we love. I interviewed two band members on what this year has been like for them. I interviewed Noah Deweese (Junior) and Leah Johnson (Senior).

What has been the most difficult part about band this year?

  • N: The most difficult part about this year has been lack of practice and rehearsal. Starting online auditions, and continuing with a 4 day band camp, we have not been provided with much practice time.

  • L: The most difficult part is remembering to wear my mask.

What do you miss the most about the normal band season?

  • N: The football games, the competitions, and all of the excitement of learning drill and standing next to each other.

  • L: I think the thing I miss most is being able to be close to people. Six feet apart is difficult.

How has COVID and online learning affected your practice schedule?

  • N: COVID has affected many things with my schedule. Since homework is on a computer screen, it’s not as easy to learn. So I am putting more time into working on homework. With working on homework all the time, I don’t have as much time to practice my band music.

  • L: I have more time to practice because I finish my classes sooner.

What are you enjoying about this season?

N: I'm enjoying the friendships and new challenges. Obviously, this season is way different from the previous seasons. Every practice is another obstacle the band has to overcome.

L: I am enjoying that we get to have a show, even if it is different.

Even though this season has been quite different, we are not letting COVID take away our band experience. Even though we miss being close and competing, we can still make music and be together. This was definitely not the season we expected, but it is still a season nonetheless. We are still doing what we love, which is what matters in the end.

Boys Golf

On Friday October 18th, Austin Siegrist competed in a two-day golf competition held at Weibring Golf Course. Austin says, “ Even through rough conditions, I played pretty good.” He also stated that his favorite part of the event was, “Simply being out on the course and having a great time!”

Archived Stories 2019-2020


-Interview with Tweed MacPhee

Now that the Raiderettes are packing up their football season, we interviewed senior, Tweed Macphee, on her experience throughout the past four years. Over the past four years, Tweed has experienced so much with the Raiderettes. One of her favorite things about football season includes the pregame curve that allows the players to run through it. However, when it comes to basketball season, she enjoys the different styles and how close she is to the crowd in comparison to the football season. You can often see her at all of the varsity home games performing her favorite side-line, Champion.

Boys Basketball

There is a lot of buzz around the boys basketball team going into the 2019-2020 winter season. Coming off the first successful season in over 10 years, the team is looking to have a similar outcome this season. Sam Abbey, a senior on the team this year, is optimistic saying, “we have a lot of young talent that we are looking to build on this year, along with some returning experience who knows what it takes to win.” Good luck boys!

Interview with Joe Crisler from Varsity Scholastic Bowl

- Scholastic Bowl is a competitive panel based activity where teams answer academic questions to earn points

What is the team working toward by the end of the season?

  • "We are working towards Regionals and Sectionals, but also individual growth and to gain a better understanding of different subjects to keep the team going for seasons to come."

What are some season highlights?

  • "PAL tournaments, which are every Tuesday in the spring, International Scholastic Bowl at Bradley University, and Sectionals and Regionals."

How do you feel about it being your Senior year?

  • "I'm sad that it is coming to an end, but I feel like I've come a long way since I've started. I hope to participate in a similar activity when I'm in college."

Cross Country Senior Night

The boys and girls cross country team senior night was Friday, October 18 at the conference meet at Detwiler Park in Peoria. After a strong meet by both teams and a meal provided by the parents, all of the seniors were recognized for their contributions to the team. The seniors on the boys team were Caleb Alt, Jacob Higgins, Jake Huff, Kolby Miller, Paul Peterson, Brenden Roiger, and Parker Spence. On the girls team, Ally Eckberg and Krista Messer were recognized. Congratulations to all the cross country seniors!

Wrestling Interview

How do you anticipate your season going?: "Good, I think we are going to have a good team."

What are your future goals?: "Commit to college, participate, and do well at state."

What did you do in the off-season to prepare?: "Competed in a national tournament and open wrestling gyms."

With many returning wrestlers who are very experienced and have had "skin in the game" for a very long time, the team has a lot of potential this year to have some state qualifiers at IHSA and IWCOA state as well as potentially having several tournament wins and a good team record.

Girls Basketball

The 2019-2020 winter sports seasons are about to be in full swing. This winter, Amanda Magarity (senior) will be on the girls basketball team. She is really excited for the upcoming season. “This year we are going to work our hardest and we have some pretty good talent coming up.” This year is a building year, she says, and the whole team is looking forward to the season.

Book Club

Mara Dimitroff

Mara Dimitroff has been apart of book club for all four years she's been at EPCHS. We asked her a few questions about book club since she has been in it for 4 years.

"Book club is a place where every month we read a book based off of a specific theme. We then come in and talk about that book, and whether or not we would recommend it to others. It's a great place to go to talk about your favorite books and find other great book recommendations."

Mara joined because she enjoyed reading, and her favorite things about book club are how we joke around a lot and have relaxing parties.

Interview with other book club members

Lainey Cambell

I joined book club because it seemed like an interesting club to be in. My favorite thing about book club is the book recommendations.

Abby Roper

I joined book club to discover more books to read and to talk about books with fellow nerds. My favorite thing about book club are the people that are in book club and all the different books people read.

Bryn Osborne

I joined book club because I love to read. My favorite thing about book club is making sarcastic comments during book talks.

Chess Club

Chess club is probably one of the least discussed clubs at school, along with robotics and book club. We interviewed Austin Evangelist to get a better look at the inner workings of the chess team. The chess club team has around 15 members and meets every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. At least once a month, the team has a Saturday tournament and competes against other teams in the IHSA Chess League and on weekdays they will have 1v1 matches against other schools as well. We asked Austin what is his favorite part of being on the chess team. He responded, “The chess team has allowed me to meet a lot of friends that I am very grateful to have, and the game has helped me become more aware of making crucial decisions.” The team has a lot of fun doing what they do, and whether they are winning or losing, the bond between team members will keep them strong.

10/11 Football Game

On Friday, October 11th, the East Peoria Raiders faced off against the Morton Potters for one of the regular-season games. It was frigid and windy. The North Pole stood pale in comparison to the field’s icy wind. Unfortunately, the Raiders couldn’t clutch the dub, and Morton defeated them on the field. Despite the size of the Tribe not having record-breaking numbers, the hype could be felt reverberating throughout the stands. The final score of the game was 54-20.

2019 Homecoming Football Game

The 2019 East Peoria Homecoming football game was one to remember. Our beloved home team fought hard and long Friday night and Saturday morning due to a large storm. They never stopped and scored 12 points. Mitch Ball and David Hidden both scored a touchdown each. Although the band couldn't perform at the game due to a possible storm, the people who managed to make it to the game had a great time. It was an amazing effort from our East Peoria Raider's. The final score was Limestone 27 to East Peoria 12.

Photo Courtesy: PJStar

First Home Football Game

The student section was a sea of white at Eastside Centre on Friday, September 6th against United Township. The Tribe showed up to support the football team dressed from head to toe in white clothing and would erupt at everything the team did well. Quarterback Tristen Westbay threw for 150 yards and had 2 touchdowns, caught by #12 Mitch Ball in the first quarter and #21 Zack Willis in the 4th. Mitch Ball also had a sack and Caden Regan had 8 tackles, 2 for a loss. East Peoria was defeated 14-40.

The Raiderettes preformed a Hip-Hop dance to a mash-up of "Shawty Get Loose" by Lil Mama. The girls were poppin' and lockin' with the best of them, and the dance was exciting and captured the attention of the audience.

The marching band also performed a show at half time called “Acceptance.” It was a colorful and optimistic display of what it is to accept yourself.


Washington Marching Band Competition

On September 7th, the Marching Raiders placed second in their class and sixth in the overall competition. The band was against larger bands, such as United Township and Limestone, so it's impressive we scored so high. The band has had a very good record at the Washington competition, so hopefully this record continues.

A Quick History

The Washington competition will always be special to the marching band. In 2007, the band slowly began to go competitive and the first competition that the Marching Raiders went to was in Washington. The band only played in exhibition, which meant the band was scored and judged, but didn't compete against other bands.

Go-Pro footage from 9/7


This year, the Marching Raiders show is titled 'Acceptance'. It is about learning to be who you are. The show tells a story of someone who is rejected from every group that she goes to. She thinks the problem is herself and starts to get lost in the chaos of her own thoughts and others harsh judgement. In part three, there is a beautiful ballad about this character learning to be herself and everyone else follows her. The character who was once judged and left behind is now the center of attention and well-liked.

Morton Marching Invitational

On Saturday September 14th, the East Peoria Marching Raiders competed at the Morton Marching Invitational. They started their morning with a 4 hour rehearsal. The practice was focused and productive leading up to their evening performance of their show for this season, “Acceptance”. This year they were moved up to class 3A to compete with schools of a larger size, as a result of winning first in class the year prior. The Marching Raiders scored a 68.65 which is two points higher than last year's score of 66.35. They placed 6th in their class and 12th overall. Following their performance the Marching Raiders sat as a group in the stands and cheered all the other bands on.

Cross Country

On Tuesday September 17th the boys had a pre-conference cross country meet at Black Partridge park in Metamora. Leading the boys team was Keaton Vandel, a junior, who took 2nd place overall, running a 15:31 for the night. Kolby Miller, Matther Gray, and Caleb Alt all came in a 13 second gap, showing our prominence in varsity races. The boys took fourth place in the team rankings for the night, and the rest of the season looks extremely promising!

The girls also had a strong night at the pre-conference meet on the 17th. The girls were led by junior Rileigh Fortune who ran a 21:12 followed closely by sophomore Tressa Tucker with a 21:49. The rest of the girls team ran as a strong pack, with 5 of the 7 fastest runners all coming within 14 places of each other.

Overall the rest of both team’s seasons looks promising as younger runners keep coming in helping our teams grow and rise through the conference.

Boys' Soccer

The boys varsity soccer team had a game on Tuesday September 17 against Limestone. The boys played well but ended up losing. Limestone scored 7 goals amidst tough defense from #18 Blake Griffin and #21 Garret Poepsel. Limestone scored at 19:51, 8:47, 7:02 and 5:13 in the first half. The Rockets continued in the second half with goals at 41:45, 35:38 and the final goal of the game coming at 14:30.

Girls' Tennis

The girls tennis team demonstrated fantastic sportsmanship this Tuesday after a difficult game vs Morton, but the student body can do better showing our Raider Pride. There were no students there besides parents! Despite their unfavorable situation, they were able to play solid games with sportsmanlike conduct and learned from their losses as a team. Although the varsity coach, Shane Smith, seemed upset about the loss, they’re excited to move forward and see what the future has in-hold.

The highlight of the match was a win in Junior Varsity from Morganne Aaron taking a dominating victory of 8 to 2! Congratulations, Morganne.

Boy's Soccer vs Pekin

After a close game away versus Pekin, we saw some great heart in our East Peoria players. Despite their unfavorable situation, our players showed great strength and played their best all the way to the buzzer, ending the game only down by three goals. We saw many parents cheering on their athletes and we’d love to see even more. Congratulation to East Peoria for a hard fought game and a great display of heart.

Girls Swimming

Interview with Kara Kozinski

EP Revive club got the chance to interview freshman Kara Kozinski on the highlights of this year’s co-op swim season as well her experience as a swimmer thus far. “My favorite memory of this season is hanging out at conference with all of the girls.” Kara has been swimming for more than eight years and has high hopes for her team during sectionals this weekend. If you know anyone competing, wish them luck!

Boys Swimming

Interview with Ty Barclay

The boys swim season is about to start and our Revive team had the chance to interview Ty Barclay. Ty’s been swimming since 4th grade and encourages anyone to join the sport. “It’s a pretty laid back sport. As long as you show up and do what you’re supposed to, you’ll have fun.” Ty placed 8th at sectionals in the 50 Y Free last year and plans to go farther this year. The East Peoria boys swim team has their first meet December 10th at Pontiac.

Raiderettes Senior Night

The Raiderettes celebrated their senior night with the football team, cheerleaders, and other fall sports on Friday October 25th. During half time the raiderettes performed a throwback dance with moments from their favorite moments from the seniors four years of performing dances. The seniors are Maya Eaton, Tweed MacPhee, Reilly O’laughlin, Faith Bevard, Destini Stevens, Kaitlyn Sarnes, and Lauren Hawkins.

Cheer Senior Night

On Friday, February 28th, it was senior night for boys basketball, raiderettes, and cheerleading. The following cheerleaders were honored on senior night: Abigail Eggemeyer, Katelyn Angle, Jenna Crebo, Maia Tuerk, Krista Messer, Morgan Cowen, Savannah Morgan, Isabelle Rakestraw, and Sondra Gnehm.

Art Club

Art Club is a great place for EPCHS students to express themselves and participate in creative activities with their peers. Miss Lowman, one of the two Art Club sponsors, explained what art club is, her goal for Art Club, plans for Art Club, and how the club is beneficial to EPCHS in the following interview:

“What is Art Club?”

L: “Art club is a student-led group focused on giving students access to an art studio outside of their regularly scheduled classes. We work with materials that we normally would not within the art curriculum and talk with local artists. Any student can join our art club, regardless of their artistic talent and if they are taking an art class or not.”

“What is your goal for Art Club?”

L: “The goal for EPCHS Art Club is for students to meet others who share their love for art, get to know each other, and work collaboratively on community projects.”

“How is Art Club beneficial to EPCHS?”

L: "Art Club is beneficial to EPCHS to have a place where artistically talented students can all get together at the same time. We also work on collaborative window paintings and other forms of public art to beautify the school.”

“What activities are planned to take place in Art Club this year?”

L: “This year, it is planned for Art Club to create our club t-shirts, create student choice art projects, meet local artists who will come in to talk to students and lead them in an activity, and possibly some field trips to local art galleries or studios.”

Art Club meets every first Tuesday of the month at 2:50pm to 3:45pm in Miss Lowman’s classroom (104F).

Girls' Tennis

An Inside Scoop

With girls tennis being a socially distant sport, we have been lucky to be given our season. We have taken many precautions to keep people safe. This tennis season is like never before and we are all still adjusting to the rules and guidelines. We have to wear masks when we are not playing and the coaches have to wipe everything down at the end of practice. During matches we have a designated spot where we have to stay and we have to have our own tennis balls now that we can not share them. We also do not have any home matches anymore due to ICC not letting us use their courts for matches. Luckily, we still are able to have practices there. I interviewed some of my teammates to see how they feel on how this season is going.

Though COVID-19 has affected our season in many ways we are still happy to get the opportunity to play.

Josie Berns mentioned that the guidelines due to COVID-19 have made tennis "more strict" and a lot "less fun," mostly because of no home matches. Besides all that, she said the season has been "good" so far and very "eventful".

Sofia Zacarias said that COVID-19 has negatively impacted this season due to "no home matches" and the possibility of "no senior night". She said this season has been "very unusual" for her and she never knows what is going to come next

Ladies' Volleyball

The Lady Raiders started this season with a lot of tough match ups. Even with this rough start, the Raiders pulled through securing two wins (beating Canton and Normal West). The other six games did result in losses, however the lady raiders played great games and kept all the scores close. The East Peoria Lady Volleyball team this year was projected to be 4th in the conference. With their current record, they are fifth but are still in a strong place to achieve that goal. Some players to look out for this year are Brook Huff (#9) at the right side with 34 kills total, Monique Hoosen (#7) at the left side with 23 kills, Skylar Bouillon (#2) as a libero with 20 digs, and Olivia Astbury (#4) as the setter with 52 assists.