Revive General Updates

The Bowling Pin Award

The bowling pin award is given to a teacher every month. The teacher from the previous month gives it to a new teacher who they think is deserving. Ms. Mcintire, who was given the award last month, gave it to Ms. Lambrich this month. Ms. Lambrich is a new teacher this year. She teaches in the business department. Ms. Mcintire gave it to Ms. Lambrich because, "She is an excellent baker, a delightful receptionist, and efficient professional assistant - and now a teacher!" Congratulations to Ms. Lambrich.

Positive Referrals

This year at EPCHS, the teachers aren't just recognizing and dealing with bad behavior, but are starting to reward good behavior as well. We asked Ms. Pfeifer some situations in where she would reward a student with a positive referral. She stated that if she spots a student helping another in need, performing well in class, or raising their grade through hard work, they are written a positive referral. The student is called down to the Dean's office where they are sat down and told a teacher saw them performing a good deed, so the student is awarded with a Positive Referral Coupon. A Positive Referral Coupon gets the student a $0.50 coupon which can be redeemed at the Snack Bar in the Cafeteria.

REVIVE RALLY - 9/13/2019

Revive Assembly

Last week, EPCHS gathered together for the first-ever Revive Assembly. The assembly started out with the student body coming together to have a dance battle and learn the details about the new club, Revive. Unfortunately, the teachers lost the dance battle, and your very own students won. A fan favorite was Mason Becker pulling out his fantastic dance moves while wearing a kilt.

Club Fest

One stop students got to make during the assembly was called “Club Fest.” Here students were able to walk around and talk with leaders of the clubs and sports they may be interested in. Senior, Katelyn Angle mentioned, “The Club Fest was beneficial because it exposed the underclassmen to all of the clubs and opportunities the school has.” Club Fest also gave the EPCHS extracurricular's a chance to recruit new members.

Commit to Graduate

Other than the Club Fest, students got to rotate through three stations. All classes had the chance to make a commitment to graduate - Seniors signed the graduation robe, Juniors signed the rocks pictured above, Sophomores signed bottle caps, and Freshmen signed a banner. In the gym, there were fun-filled teamwork games. Overall, the first-ever Revive assembly had a great turn out.

Bowling Pin

The bowling pin is used to recognize the teachers and staff for being great at what they do. The bowling pin was introduced around three years ago and since then it has been passed from teacher to teacher. It's not only teachers who can receive it either, staff members may also be awarded the bowling pin. The way the pin is passed down is that, the owner of the bowling pin awards it to the next owner about every month. You can see just how many people have had the bowling pin as every member adds something new to it each time.

Teacher of The Month

October's teacher of the month is Mrs. Lamb! She was awarded this by Ms. Burdick for "kind considerate, caring, passionate, thoughtful, and she rocked it with homecoming". The title of Teacher of The Month meant a lot to Mrs. Lamb as she said "being recognized by other faculty members, is huge I would have never thought that she would have had chosen me . So I think it's so nice for other faculty members to receive that and know wow other people in this building you know see me as a hard worker and see the efforts !".

Staff Appreciation

The August Teacher of the month was Mrs. Coughlon. Best said in Mrs. Coughlon’s words, “It is an award presented by the staff to the staff. It is recognizing a teacher that has made an impact on our lives who have personally made us better teachers”. The award was presented to her by Mrs. Dawson for her dedication and love towards her students.

When September came along it was Mrs. Coughlon's turn pass the bowling pin award to a new teacher. Mrs. Couglon chose Mrs. Burdick to be the bowling pin recipient because “She opened my eyes to kids with special needs. Mrs. Burdick showed me that they want to be treated normally like everyone else. When I see her work with her students I’m in awe of her. She is the most compassionate and she makes her students feel good. I just think she is amazing at what she does and that’s why I gave the teacher of the month to her”.

The bowling pin recipient recognizes the outstanding teachers and staff of our school. The past teachers of the month have been Mr. Diggle, Mrs. Horn, and Mrs. Dawson. There is no doubt that all of these teachers deserve the award and so much more!