Case Studies

One of the best ways to understand how and why Enterprise LEADER works is to review how it has been used within other companies and see the results they have achieved.

These are the same type of results you can achieve in your own company (and team) too. For a deeper insight into Enterprise LEADER, take a look at the following three case studies.

  • Learn how executives at Haylor Freyer & Coon insurance brokers used Enterprise LEADER throughout their 230 person agency to them an entrepreneurial edge.

  • Read how CEO Danny Finchan of ALL Task Construction has used Enterprise LEADER to get his management team and employees focused on the same goals -- and increased revenues, profits and overall growth at the same time.

  • Discover how Richard Hammonds, CEO of Hammond Furniture used Enterprise LEADER to close the gap between his sales and operations teams and transform the culture in his 1,000+ employee business.


"Business owners, not just managers"

Before the programme, many of my managers thought just like managers and they didn't think like business owners.

They came to work and did a good job for me, but they did a job based on what they considered to be managing rather than to actually think, "This is my business and I own this patch, and I've got to make the most out of it."

What happened was the programme began to open their minds and they began to realize that it was their responsibility to look after customers in the way that I would. They began to realize that they could have a positive effect on the business. It wasn't just a case of managing the status quo, they could have a physical positive effect on the business, which would produce more sales, produce more profit, and be much more satisfying for them.

Managing Director of a large retail/manufcturing company whose middle management went through Enterprsie LEADER

"A reality check for managers"

I found it very educational and something new for me; something different. I've never undertaken anything of this type before and had previously been left by directors and managers to get on with it.

I found it reminded you, no matter what part of the course you listened to, of what you should be doing, and where you should be focusing your efforts. It very much prevents you from slipping into that complacent personality within yourself.

My overall studying of the course was done on two days per week. We were introduced to it in quite a busy period in our own business when we were dealing with the day-to-day running of things. I had to sit down and do two days of the course as well, which was very educational. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

It was good. It reminded me that I am doing the right thing most of the time, but also that there are ways I could do the same thing better. I certainly took a lot from it that way.

Matthew - Area Manager

"Mentoring sessions - key!"

What I found more beneficial than anything else were the mentor sessions. They really dotted the I's and crossed the T's for me.

I thought, this has got a lot of substance, it's very, very logical. It's all the sort of stuff that you think you do but, you don't do enough of it all of the time, and toll be honest I probably didn't do half of it enough of the time.

So from that point of view, the mentoring sessions were invaluable.

Simon - Regional Sales Manager

"Course makes you a better business leader"

The course has made me a better leader, definitely. It has made me look at the bigger picture of the company and has given me the freedom to stand outside the box and to view things a little differently.

I think our CEO was pleased because we started viewing things as a business rather than individual teams.

I think we all got something out of it which is we are all better leaders now. To me, that was what it was all about. It was about you being a leader and then you feeding it down and your team feeding it down to your customers.

Vanessa - Regional Sales Manager

"Additive MP3 learning"

It was addictive, and that's what I need when I'm learning. When I have a curiosity for something then I want to do more, and do more, and do more. I went to bed wearing those MP3 headphones and my husband said, 'You have to be having a laugh!

He's gone through the programme. It wasn't optional because I talked about it constantly. He hasn't read the book but I'm sure he could finish the workbook for you! He's picked it up purely because every time he sat down to eat I would be talking about a section of it, or the workbook would be sitting under my nose as I was doing something else.

Kathryn - Divisional Director

"Course in a nutshell"

Thought provoking. Mentally stimulating. Re-energizing!

It creates an energy and spark to want to make changes, and to want to make a difference.

David - Divisional Director

Unlike most leadership courses which are saturated in textbook theory, our engaging and fast-paced course has been built on extensive interviews with some of the UK's most successful business leaders. People such as Sir Tom Hunter (Scotland's richest entrepreneur), Lord Bilimoria (Founder - Cobra Beer), Lord Harris (Founder - CarpetRight), Chris Rucker (Founder - The White Company), Simon Woodroffe (Founder - YO! Sushi), Duncan Bannatyne (TV Dragons' Den), Luke Johnson (Entrepreneur, investor and former chairman of Pizza Express and Channel 4), and many other award-winning business leaders.