Business Benefits

A good way to understand the impact Enterprise LEADER will have on your team (and overall company) is to examine the outcomes from each of the three core themes of the program.

These core themes are customers, teams and personal leadership, and it is these same three core subjects which all high performance/entrepreneurial business teams and business leaders excel in.

Benefits from sessions 1 to 5 - Focus on Customers

  • Get your team re-focused on your customers and prospective customers

  • Put your customer 100% at the centre of your business

  • Improve your customers’ experience

  • Create a new language in team members which is much more commercial and customer focused

  • Turn your workforce into your salesforce

  • Make your team members ‘marketing savvy’

  • Make team members alive to new revenue opportunities

  • Get your team tuned in to the commercial side of your business

Benefits from sessions 6 to 10 - Focus on Teams

  • Get team members to work better together as a team

  • Improve team collaboration, communication and cooperation

  • Get the right people in the right places in your team

  • Get team members to understand each others strengths and weaknesses, and the value each person offers to the team

  • Get the team aligned behind common goals and a shared vision

  • Make team members more accountable and take more ownership and responsibility for their results and actions

  • Create a high performance team

Benefits from sessions 11 to 20 - Focus on Personal Leadership

  • Get team members inspired, engaged, motivated and passionate

  • Instill new level of belief and confidence in team members

  • Break through personal limiting beliefs

  • Get team members to step outside their comfort zone

  • Get team members to turn past failures into future successes

  • Align personal goals with company goals

  • Develop the leadership ability of each team member

  • Spot hidden talents

  • Unlock the potential of each team member

By developing the softer ‘intangible’ skills of your team, very quickly you’ll see an improvement in hard ‘tangible’ business results.

Companies who have used Enterprise LEADER to develop their teams have consistently seen this switch from soft, intangible results to hard tangible business results manifest itself in the following ways (even when used by non-customer facing teams):

Increase in:

  • Revenues and profits

  • Attraction of new customers (lower marketing costs)

  • Retention of existing customers

  • Up-sell and cross-sell opportunities

  • Customers satisfaction and word of mouth referrals

  • Generation of new cost saving / profit generation / process improvement ideas

  • Faster more efficient processes

  • Achieving KPIs, targets, budgets, goals

  • Employee retention

Decrease in:

  • Customer attrition

  • Unhappy customers

  • Employee turnover (lower employment costs)

We help organisations -- like yours -- stand out in your marketplace by instilling into your managers an entrepreneurial way of thinking which is proven to improve results… including more sales, more profit, more cash, more KPIs -- faster, easier and with fewer resources.