Celebrating our Graduates

Nadia Coburn


Year entered Emanuel: 2016

Emanuel has provided me with a sense of belonging in a welcoming community.

Nadia moved to Emanuel School in Term 2 of 2016 from country Victoria. Although life is very different in Sydney, she adapted remarkably well. Nadia is a committed sportsperson and was selected to represent Australia at the Maccabi Games, competing in the Junior Girls Football Team. When living in country Victoria, Nadia was involved in sheep showing and judging, which is testament to her adaptability and all-round sportsmanship.

She has enjoyed the sense of community at Emanuel and considers Kabbalat Shabbat and ruach sessions as highlights of her time at Emanuel.

Nadia is a hard-working student with a positive attitude towards and great enthusiasm for learning. She is thankful for her teachers’ encouragement to strive to be the very best she can, academically, on the sports field and in the community. Nadia’s mantra of “nothing is impossible” reflects this. Standout Emanuel life lessons for her include how to work well in teams, the importance of giving one’s best and that by helping others one helps oneself.