Celebrating our Graduates

Chloe Corne



Awards for 2017: Geography, Outstanding Service to the Jewish Life of the School and Meritorious Effort

Year entered Emanuel: 2005 ATAR: 93.40

Being at Emanuel has encouraged me to trust my instincts and act on what feels right rather than what may be popular.

Chloe started at Emanuel School from Kindergarten. She has had an exceptionally strong academic record and, besides appearing on the Principal’s List for Academic Effort/Achievement 15 times during High School, has been awarded a number of school prizes, including Meritorious Effort and the Geography, Hebrew and Contribution to Jewish Life prizes in Years 10 and 11. Chloe has been described by her teachers as a positive and conscientious student who is motivated, generous, loyal and kind: “Chloe’s maturity, passion, organisational skills and enthusiasm have ensured she always achieves her best.”

Chloe is a community-minded individual. She was elected to the SRC in 2014, where as part of the Executive in 2016, she spearheaded many charitable. Amongst other opportunities, she volunteered as a leader at Camp Sababa to assist young children with disababilities, and collected money for Legacy, Green Sunday, Save a Child’s Heart, World Wildlife Fund and many more. Her commitment to social action was recognised when she was nominated for the National Young Jewish Changemaker Award in 2017.

Chloe enjoyed many of the sporting and performing opportunities available, representing the School at CDSSA swimming and playing Touch Football, Netball and Futsal. She was School Swimming Age Champion in Years 6-9 and 12. Chloe was also a member of many of the School’s choirs.

Chloe, who describes herself as a non-conformist, is an exceptional role model and her leadership as Jewish Life Madricha provided many regular opportunities for younger students to engage meaningfully with their Judaism.