Training with EGYM

Training  Overview

This is how easy training with EGYM is from the perspective of a user.

1. Log in and the machine adjusts to your personal settings: 

As soon as you log in to the machine it automatically adjusts to your precise settings – having to set the weight and seat heights are now a thing of the past. Just hold your EGYM RFID chip up to the machine and start your workout.

2. Your ideal training weight is calculated based on an initial strength test.

Automatically initiated strength tests every 6 sessions ensure that you’re always training with the right weight for your training goal and current performance. This ensures your muscles are efficiently stimulated across every stage of your strength training program.

After conducting the initial strength tests, in the background EGYM is automatically calculating your BioAge and Muscle Imbalances.

3. You follow a personalized EGYM curve.

EGYM curve makes your workout easy and safe while providing plenty of motivation. The EGYM curve will specify the correct range of motion and speed for the exercise, depending on your training goal. A video game-like interface provides additional fun and motivates you to perform every repetition as directed, to 'collect those coins'.

4. Analyze your progress in the app.

Various analysis tools allow you to monitor and track your training progress from day 1. Both you and your trainer can view completed exercises and performance analysis on your smartphones at any time and your training plan is always on hand. 

Personalized Workout

Your training plan will be specifically tailored to your physical requirements, goals, and progress. All important training parameters are automatically and precisely tailored to your needs.

Customized Training Parameters

Training Duration Explained


If the load applied in training remains the same for a long period of time, your body gets used to it. The result is the training has less effect. To prevent this, you need to regularly increase muscle stimulation.

The EGYM training programs provide optimal periodization to ensure you hit your goal. The training method is changed every six sessions and a new stimulus is applied allowing you to reach your maximum potential.

Training Methods

Different training goals require different training methods. A marathon runner will train differently to a weightlifter. This is important, and we take it into account with a range of integrated training methods.


*Available only for members with EGYM+ activated.

Training Goals*

Members with EGYM+ may choose between the following training goals to personalize their workout depending on their intentions. Each option has a different progression of workouts to best achieve your goal.


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