General FAQ's

How can a member change their email address?

Members should login to their EGYM account at to update their email address. Once completed the new email will auto-populate into their member app and the trainer app. Trainers can also use the trainer app to update a members email address. However in either case, the member must confirm the new email before any permanent changes adhere.

How can a member change the units of measure (metric to standard)?

Members should log into their EGYM account at and change the settings in their profile. This is the only way in which measurement units can be changed currently.

For Android users, they can change units of measure directly within their member app in the settings/profile page.

Loaner and Replacment band procedures.pdf

What if a member loses their band or forgot theirs at home? Can they still use the EGYM system?

Yes. Follow the Loaner and Replacement band procedures to get your members on the EGYM system quickly.

What if a band is registered to somebody else and we need to change it?

  1. Log on to the machine using the RFID tag you need to erase.

  2. Use a trainer RFID tag and hold it to the reader.

  3. Select "Delete chip" and confirm.

  4. The RFID tag can now be used for another member. Follow the Loaner and Replacement band procedures.