Fabulous First Aid

We spent this afternoon learning some basic first aid skills. We are now ready for every eventuality...

It's all about the Rounders...

This term we are learning how to play rounders. We have been practising our throwing and catching skills to turn us into accurate fielders. We have also been using our bats (hands) and just one post until we learn the rules and are ready for a proper game.

Amazing Art Day

Today we embraced our creative sides and spent the whole day creating masterpieces. We started by finishing our water color animals which we drew using a grid technique. Next we learnt all about the Maori culture and completed some oil pastel art inspired by New Zealand artist Raewyn Harris. Both medium (water colours and oil pastels) gave us the opportunity to blend and mix different tones and shades of colour.

Fairy tale Writing Day

Once upon a time we spent the whole day learning about the elements that make up a fairy tale. We read some, we made up our own and, after our Fairy Tale workshop, we rewrote the traditional tale of Rumpelstiltskin.