Marvellous Maths with the Magic Multiplying Machine
Marvellous Maths with the Magic Multiplying Machine
We have had great fun in Maths today. The Magic Multiplying (or dividing) Machine helped us to consolidate our knowledge of multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.
Christmas Craft
Christmas Craft
At the beginning of December we all got very excited and crafty! We made lolly stick decorations and adorned our Christmas Tree with our fabulous creations!!
Yoga Day
Yoga Day
Last week, we did some Christmas themed yoga to the song 'The 12 Days of Christmas'. Look at our great yoga poses!
Superhero Dance
Superhero Dance
This half term we have been working hard on creating and choreographing our own superhero battle through the medium of dance. We had great fun today, performing for each other.