Learning Intention: We will be learning how Aboriginal people connect to country and manage the land sustainably.


  1. Read the information below and watch the videos.

  2. Create a diorama from natural or recycled materials showing a bush or coastal setting that has been looked after. There are examples below.

  3. OR Create a poster about connecting to Country and why being sustainable in Country is important.

  4. Take a photo/video of your work and upload it to the Sustainability folder in SEESAW.

The land and waters of Australia are of great importance to the culture, beliefs, identity, and way of life for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This connection to the environment comes from their belief that the land and people were created by ancestor (spirit) beings who continue to protect and care for the land. The land refers to everything within the landscape, including water, air, trees, rocks, plants, animals, and landforms. These are all intertwined and essential to their well-being, so Indigenous peoples consider the land to be a part of them. Therefore, they have a responsibility to look after their environment and to use natural resources wisely.

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures have survived for thousands of years. That is, in part, because of their knowledge and protection of their Country. Each language group or clan has a defined area of land, or Country, to which they are connected or belong. They know where to find sources of water and the effects of seasons on plants and animals. They also know how to use and conserve natural resources that provide food, medicine, shelter, and tools.

Diorama examples