On Friday 30th April, the Minister for Environment, The Honorable Lily D'Ambrosio visited our school with our local Member of Parliament, Mr. Matt Freegan. There were also VIPs from Sustainability Victoria and the Department of Environment Land Water and Planning. The Sustainability captains, Swasti, Sophie, Gargi, Saachi and Methvin greeted the dignitaries and escorted them to a year 3 class, where the minister spoke to the students and they discussed climate change and what MWPS is doing to help the planet. The Sustainability captains then took our guests on a school tour of all of our sustainability sites and programs. The Minister then congratulated us on winning the 2020 Sustainability Victoria Resource Smart School of the Year award and presented us with an Eucalypt tree and a Hardenbergia plant. Our school was then featured last Sunday during the Minister’s media release about the State Government’s Climate Change Targets. This was a great privilege and honour for our school and testament to the hard work that the community has done to make our school a 5 Star Resource Smart School.



Our school has been a leader in Sustainability education for many years. We have mentored many other schools in their journey towards 5 Star certification and this year we were awarded the coveted title of RESOURCE SMART SCHOOL OF THE YEAR!

Being a 5 Star Resource Smart School cannot happen without the help of everyone, so I would like to congratulate and thank everybody, staff, students, parents and the whole community for helping us to reach and maintain our 5 Star status and for being part of our winning this prestigious award!

Loretta Leary

Sustainability Leader

Hi Everyone,

Here are just some things that I wanted to share with you. I hope you enjoy them.

Take Care.

From Ms Leary