Here you will find all of our upcoming events and any environmental dates.


WWF(World Wildlife Fund) invited Australians to walk, bounce or hop back into the wildlife spirit this June, with the much-anticipated return of Wild Onesie Week 2017. WWF challenged Australians to head off to work and school and go about their day dressed head-to-toe as an animal during WILD ONESIE DAY. MWPS Senior Sustainability Team challenges our school to participate in this event by holding a WILD ONESIE DAY on FRIDAY 25TH JUNE. Students can dress in a wild onesie, or dress like an animal on the day. A GOLD COIN donation is requested. The funds raised will go towards our sponsored animals (which include koalas, a bilby, a platypus, a Tasmanian devil and a now critically endangered Leadbeater’s possum and Gilbert’s Potoroo to name a few.) See our sponsored animals page on the Sustainability website for more details of our animals.