Wominjeka Green Day!

Today is a day where we say CONGRATULATIONS AND THANKS for looking after the planet so well!

Below you will find a huge array of fun things to do today! You can choose (student voice and agency) your own adventure today!


Click on a title to find your next adventure!

Create your own compostable potato people.

Create mini gardens that you can grow indoors and outdoors.

Go on scavenger hunts that you can do indoors and outdoors.

Here are some ideas on how to build a hut inside or outside using what you can find.


Go for a walk, a skate or a bike ride! It can't get much easier than that!

Learn how to search for bugs and discover the wonderful world of mini beasts

Learn how to go for a rainbow walk.

Blow big or small bubbles with your own homemade bubble mix.


Pull on your gumboots or go barefoot and jump around in some puddles!


Learn how to make your own chalk and brighten up your concrete.


Have a picnic in your backyard!

Create art pieces using natural items.

Create a nature box.

Go plogging! Find out more here!

Learn to cook!

Make creatures from things you can find at home.

Other ideas!

🐌 Collect garden snails. Draw a start and finish line. Have a snail race.

Wash hands when done.

🪁Make & decorate a kite to fly.

🦜Empty the hair from your hairbrushes into the garden.

(Cut up first). Watch to see which birds collect it as nesting material.

Identify & name them.

🐜Locate busy ants on a sunny day.

What are they doing? Where are they going? How do they communicate?

Sprinkle bread crumbs.

Observe what happens.

🦋Scatter some flower seeds in the soil (pop a packet in your supermarket trolley) to attract pollinators into your garden.

🪲 Place a piece of thick cardboard in your garden with a rock or brick on top. Leave for a week. Lift and check who has ‘moved in’.

🐞Go on a bug hunt.

Use water and a paintbrush on the pavement to paint the insects you find. Research how to construct a backyard bug hotel to house beneficial insects in your garden.

🦎Find a dish for water, some rocks to sun on, bark & leaves to attract insects and native grasses to make a ‘ lizard lounge’ in your garden ready for spring.

🐨Go for a walk in the bush or a local nature reserve. Locate a new native animal in the wild. Give it a name.

💦Play floating and sinking games with the natural objects you collect on walks, such as seed pods, rocks, feathers & leaves. Return natural items to where you found them.

📷Photograph /record special sights and sounds you notice/hear in nature on your walks around the block. Repeat in a week. What is the same? What is different?

So many seasonal changes occurring right now.

🎨Paint or draw a picture of your favourite sighting in nature. Oil pastels on coloured paper or chalk on pavement looks great (might be an outline of your own shadow)

📖Join a local online library. Read a book together, to learn more about your local flora & fauna.

☀️Prepare a meal together to eat outside in the sunshine on a picnic rug.

☁️Lie back on a picnic rug and look up at the clouds. How many special shapes can you find in the clouds? A dog, dinosaur, a duck or maybe a dragon?

🤸‍♂️Talk about the games you played as a child, chasey, hide-and-seek, hopscotch, jacks, hoops, marbles, skipping, clapping rhymes, strings, mud pies, cubbies, chess, others?

Teach your children these fun past-times.

🐶Pamper your pets.

Have a doggy day spa. ‘Renovate’ their living space, tidy their toys.

Teach your pets to do a new trick or obey a command. Play ‘hide and seek’ with treats.

Paint a portrait of your pets.

💐Write a cheerful note to lonely neighbours and pop in their mailbox with a hand picked posy or home baked treat.

Ride bikes or scooters on a ‘delivery mission’.