yr 5 Lesson 5

TRees have needs

Learning Intention: To learn what trees need to grow healthily.

Success Criteria: I can explain what trees need.

Trees, like all plants have needs so that they can grow big and strong and stay healthy.

So trees need these things to grow and stay healthy.





Plants and trees also need one more thing.......LOVE! Everything that is alive needs love, people, animals, insects, birds, fish, plants, trees and the Earth.

Love a tree

YES! This is me hugging one of my favourite trees at the Royal Melbourne Botanic Gardens.


Go outside and find your favourite tree.

Ask someone to take a photo of you hugging your favourite tree.

Can you tell me anything about your favourite tree? (It's name, where it lives, what it gives to animals and humans etc)

Upload your photo or video to GOOGLE CLASSROOM.