Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures are the oldest, continuous cultures in the world, having existed in Australia for at least 50,000 years. The uniqueness of these cultures and the wisdom and knowledge embedded in them are things to be highly valued by all Victorians.

Aboriginal people have a spiritual, social, cultural and economic relationship with their traditional lands and waters, and have made a unique and irreplaceable contribution to the identity and wellbeing of Victoria. Students will be taught about different aspects of these significant relationships.

As stated in The Victorian Curriculum documentation:

Learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures

The Victorian Curriculum F–10 includes opportunities for students to learn about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures. The knowledge and skills that students are expected to develop about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders histories and cultures have a particular and enduring importance and assists students to understand the uniqueness of these cultures and the wisdom and knowledge embedded in them.

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During Sustainability lessons the following areas will be investigated:

All levels: Acknowledgement of and Connection To Country

Prep (Foundation): Indigenous Animals

Year 1: Seasons

Year 2: Culture

Year 3: Plants

Year 4: Shelters and Tools

Year 5: Bush Tucker

Year 6: Country and Sustainability

These units will cover the strands of Science, Humanities, The Arts, Literacy and Numeracy and the cross-curricular priorities of Sustainability and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures.