This is my 2 year old great niece Rosie. If she can make pizza at home, so can you!


  • pocket pita breads or English muffins.

  • cheese of your choice (pre-grated or grate your own)

  • pasta or pizza sauce (homemade or from a jar. You can even use left over Taco sauce or salsa)

  • toppings of your choice: ham, salami, spinach, mushrooms, capsicum, zucchini and carrot (make thin strips by using the potato peeler), olives, gherkins, pineapple, anchovies, feta, roasted pumpkin, semi dried tomatoes.
    ***you can part cook your raw vegies using a sandwich press too, if you like!


Collect all of your ingredients and a baking tray (or 2 or 3) lined with baking paper or foil.

Place your pita bread onto the tray(s).

Cover with sauce. Using a spoon is the easiest way.

Add a thin layer of cheese and then your toppings.

Then add some more cheese on top.

Place your pizzas into a preheated 200 degrees oven and cook until the cheese has melted and started to turn golden brown.

Wait a minute or two after taking them out of the oven before eating because they will be VERY HOT!!!!

Enjoy your lovely creation!

***Rosie had just eaten all the olives from the pizzas before they were put in the oven! Oops