These make about 48 large scones depending on the size of your scone cutter. You can halve the recipe, or quarter it (using your amazing Maths skills!)

*If you don't have a scone cutter, use a glass.


10 cups self raising flour

600ml cream

750ml lemonade

** you can add dates or sultanas if you want fruity scones


  • Set oven to 180 degrees C.

    1. Combine dry ingredients in a large bowl.Mix wet ingredients in another bowl and then add it to the dry ingredient mix.

    2. Mix it enough to just combine everything together.

    3. Turn half of the dough mix out onto floured board or bench and lightly knead the mixture into a ball.

**If you don't know how to knead dough, watch the video below.

4. Pat out the dough with your hands until about 3cm thick

5. Cut out circles with a floured scone cutter or glass.

6. Place onto an oven tray (line with baking paper first).

7. Brush tops of scones only with a little milk. Do not brush the sides with milk or they will not rise much.

  • Repeat all the steps again with the rest of the dough mix.

8. Bake for about 20 minutes or until tops are golden brown.


There are two ways to serve your scones. The Devonshire way and the Cornish way.

Cornish WAY

The cream goes on top of the jam.


The jam goes on top of the cream.