Musical Instruments


Aboriginal people made musical instruments from plants. The most well known is the didgeridoo or yidaki. The didgeridoo (yidaki) is not native to Victoria however in recent years it has been adopted as an instrument to complement Wurundjeri ceremonies and events.

Other musical instruments are :

*Bark bundle beaten, or struck on ground (women)

* Bone or reed whistle

* Boomerang clapsticks

* Didgeridoo and sticks (beaten by singer. Men only!)

* Folded gum leaf whistle

* Hollow log struck with small stick

* Llpirra or Central Australian "trumpet"

* Seed rattles

* Stick beaten on ground

* Clap Sticks

****Only males can make a didgeridoo. This is a very sensitive cultural rule and we MUST RESPECT their beliefs.

Make your own clap sticks with two sticks that you can find outside and some paint or texta colours for decoration. You could also draw decorations on paper and stick them on.