weeks 5 & 6


Learning Intention: To discover some small actions that can be taken to make a difference to the planet.

Success Criteria: I will have participated in one activity or event that will make a difference.

The task:

Choose one of the competitions to enter. You will need to do some research for these competitions.

Take a photo of your entry or upload the video to your Sustainability Google Classroom.


Saputo Dairy Australia

Diorama Competition

To celebrate our partnership with our Professional Development Partner Saputo Dairy Australia we are running a dairy farm diorama competition!

Enter and you could be in the running to win a hamper of Saputo Dairy Australia products to the value of $1,000 for your school!

Saputo Dairy Australia suppliers, Jody and Susanna Haberle, answered some very important questions in this video for you to use you in your classroom, including ‘If you play classical music to a cow does it produce more milk ?’.


To go in the draw, simply create a diorama in a Great Ocean Road, Devondale, Liddells or Sungold milk branded bottle or carton of an Australian dairy farm. Your farm must include a cow, a milking shed, green grass, trees and a dairy farmer. Once you’re finished, it’s time to say cheese! Take a photo of your complete diorama and email it through to: marcomms@kitchengardenfoundation.org.au by 25 May 2020.


We want you to create a one minute film encouraging your community to recycle their old mobile phones. The theme for our 2020 competition is Small actions. Big Impact.

You don’t have to be an experienced filmmaker to take part – all you need is an idea, imagination and motivation. Winning films will receive a $5000 JB Hi-Fi vochure to further develop their film career.

Entry is free and is open to all primary, secondary and tertiary students in Australia. Take a look at our previous winners and education resources for inspiration. Film entries are due 21 September 2020. Finalists will be announced 19 October and winners 5 November 2020.

This year we are introducing a People’s Choice Award. The community will be able to vote for their favourite film between 19 to 30 October. Winners will be showcased during National Recycling Week in November. Good luck!


Just put it on your Sustainability Google Classroom.