Weeks 3 & 4

EARTH DAY: What can you do?

Learning Intention: We will learn about Earth Day and what we can do to contribute to the planet's health.

Success Criteria: I will be able to explain the importance of Earth Day and will have taken one action to help the planet.

Wednesday 22nd April was Earth Day.

On Earth Day 2020, we seize all the tools and actions that we have, big and small, to change our lives and change our world, not for one day, but forever. While the coronavirus may force us to keep our distance, it will not force us to keep our voices down.


  1. Watch the videos.

What is Earth Day?

Earth Day 2020

2. Take Action

Now it is time for you to take action at home. Take at least one action, do at least one thing that will make a different to the planet. Record it in a photo or a video and upload it to the Sustainability GOOGLE Classroom.



  • Do the Footprint Calculator and then see what changes you can make at home to help the planet:


  • Make a pledge and a plan to take action

Writing down a commitment and making a plan are two actions that increase the likelihood that someone will follow through. So if you want those Earth Day lessons to stick, this is an easy activity to do with students of any age.

  • Make signs for the home

Reminders around the home can help us change our habits.

  • Make a video

Make videos and encourage others to take more care of the environment.

Putting together a video or presentation can also help others internalise the information.

  • Plant a tree

The Earth Day Network has a goal of planting 7.8 billion trees by 2020 – one tree for every person alive.

While being on lockdown, you can still use the garden to plant trees and be involved.

Go to https://www.earthday.org/ to get some other ideas.