Term 2 Weeks 3 & 4


This fortnight we will discover what a map is and how to make a map.

Learning Intention: To discover what a map is and why we need them. To make my own fantasy park map.

Success criteria: I can explain what a map is and why we need them. I can make a map using natural materials.

The Task

Have you ever used to map to find out where you are? Have you ever got lost and

needed a map to find your way home? Maps can be a very important tool when

you are out in the world, and they can be very useful if you need to find out where

you need to go.

A map is a drawing of all or part of Earth's surface. Its basic purpose is to

show where things are. Maps may show visible features, such as rivers and

lakes, forests, buildings, and roads, as well as invisible things like borders

and boundaries.

In this activity, you will make your own National Park Map out of natural material

you find outside. You can add any features that you like for example:

  • roads

  • fences

  • metal signs

  • brick buildings

  • garden beds

  • trees

  • wildlife habitats

  • playgrounds

  • birdwatching huts

  • lakes

  • ponds

  • creeks

  • rivers

Creating a Nature Map -

Choose a nice flat area of at least a 1 metre x 1 metre on the ground. This will be the base of your map. You can do it on dirt, soil grass, or even on the bricks and inside if the weather is not great outside.

Create a border using sticks or bark or you could draw a line if you are working in the dirt.

Once you have your area, start collecting materials that you can use to represent the features on your map.

Any natural materials will do. In this example I have used sticks, rocks, berries, leaves and cones to represent features such as a road, fence, metal sign, brick building, garden beds and planted trees.

Take your time to create a detailed map, although it does not have to be perfect. I haven't finished it yet.

Take a photo of your map and label the things in it. I have done it on a WORD document and used arrows and text boxes. You might like to make a key or signs. How you do it is up to you. Upload it to your Seesaw Sustainability folder.

Have fun!