Weeks 1 & 2

Year 2


Learning Intention: We will learn about the season of Autumn and what happens in nature during this season.

Success Criteria: I can explain what happens in nature during the season of Autumn. I can describe the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees.

This lesson we will learn about why some trees shed their leaves in Autumn and some trees don't.

Watch the videos below.

Your task:

You will be making some pictures using Autumn leaves. You will be creating your own self portraits using leaves. Here are some examples.

You will need:


Autumn leaves

Glue or sticky tape

Markers (Textas) or pencils

What to do:

Use the sticky tape or the glue to stick down your leaf or leaves onto your paper.

*If you don't know how to double side your tape, watch the video. You don't need to use glue though.

Use your markers or pencils to add the details; face, body, arms, legs etc

Answer the following questions next to your pictures:

What is a deciduous tree? A deciduous tree is ..........

What is an evergreen tree? An evergreen tree is ...........

***For extra fun see if you can name some deciduous and some evergreen trees.

Take a photo of your work and upload it to your Seesaw.