Term 2 Weeks 3 & 4


Learning Intention: We are going to learn about the season of Autumn.

Success Criteria: I can tell you what season we are in and describe what happens in Autumn.

The task:

Autumn is a time when lots of plants start to make and drop seed pods ready to grow new plants in Spring.

On my walk this morning I took some photos of different types of seeds and seed pods that I saw.

Can you name any of the trees or seed pods?

The most common seed pods you will see are gumnuts. There are lots of different gumnuts. These come from Eucalypt (Gum) trees.

There are even a couple of famous Gumnut babies. Have you heard this story?

Your task:

Go out into your garden (or if you go out on a walk with your family) and collect some seed pods, gumnuts, seed samaras, seeds and other bits of nature like leaves, pebbles or flowers.

Now use those things to make your name.

The photo below shows the name Jeffrey. Can you see the acorns? Can you see the petals of a red flower?

Your task:

Go out into your garden (or if you go out on a walk with your family) and collect some seed pods, gumnuts, seed samaras, seeds and other bits of nature like leaves, pebbles or flowers.

Now use those things to make your name.

The photo below shows the name Jeffrey. Can you see the acorns? Can you see the petals of a red flower?