

How people cook has changed a lot over time.

Meals in the past were mostly cooked in pots over a fire. This meant people needed to start their own fires by using coals and ash.

Simple stoves were made later on but these still needed to be powered by burning wood.

Today we have many different ways of cooking which are mainly powered by electricity and gas. We are also lucky to have fridges to keep our food fresh.

Stoves, toasters, air fryers... how many more cooking appliances can you think of that are in your home?


What do you do when you finish dinner? Load the dishwasher.

What do you do when there is dust on the floor? Use the vacuum.

What do you do when your clothes are dirty? Put them in the washing machine.

Dishwashers, vacuums and washing machines are just some of the technology that we use to keep our houses clean. Before technology, all cleaning had to be done by hand.

How many other cleaning appliances can you think of?


In the past, hand made lamps and candles were the first types of light to be used in houses. Now getting light in our house is as easy as flicking a switch.

Light is a technology because there are different types used for different reasons.

Imagine living in the past and needing to have candles so you could see when it became dark!


In our homes there are so many different types of technology we sometimes don't even realise.

Things like TVs, digital clocks, playstations, computers, iPads are all types of technology. Can you think of any more in your home?