Term 1 Week 9

Use the Department of Education anti bullying website to learn strategies to prevent and respond to bullying behaviour.

Topics include:

Physical Activity- Do at least 60 mins a day.

Teaching our school community healthy hygiene strategies


Behind the News COVID-19 (aka Coronavirus) Explained

NSW Health Handwashing poster

Learning experiences

1. Brainstorm the following questions:

What are some examples of health information or messages you have heard? Where did you hear them?

Do you think everyone would get the same key messages from the information? Why or why not?

Record students’ ideas to refer to throughout the learning experiences.

Teaching notes: Provide suggestions of current health campaigns if required e.g. sun safety, water safety, road safety, healthy hygiene

2. Locate a media source that mentions the spread of a virus and view it as a class. Ask students to identify the key messages in the source.

Did everyone get the same key messages?

Teaching notes: An example of a media source is COVID-19 (aka Coronavirus) Explained from Behind the News.

3. Provide students with another source that mentions the spread of a virus from a different viewpoint.

Ask students to view the source and identify the key messages.

4. In pairs students compare their thoughts with another class member and record the similarities and differences.

5. Discuss the language used in the sources.

Discuss why the language is used, how the language influences the reader and the importance of being critical of the information in different sources.

6. Brainstorm – How do we know if a source is reliable?

Reinforce the importance of accessing information from reliable sources.

Teaching notes: An example of a reliable source is a government website that ends in .gov.au

7. Display the NSW Health Handwashing poster.

Ask students – How do we know this poster is a reliable source of information? For example, the poster is created by a NSW government agency.

8. This poster provides simple instructions to support effective handwashing techniques. Handwashing is an example of healthy hygiene and one way to manage the spread of germs.

9. Identify the different groups within the school community, for example, parents and carers, students and teachers.

10. Students select a group within the school community to communicate the steps to effective handwashing. They gather information from reliable sources and devise a plan to create a resource that is relevant to the group e.g. artwork, podcast, short video, assembly item, newsletter article, dance

11. Refer back to students’ original questions and thoughts:

Have we answered any of our questions?

What would we like to learn more about?