Creative Arts

Term 1 Week 8 Creative Arts

The very cranky bear- Students are given a plain bear which they then need to paint and decorate as in the story (black stripes of paint, golden mane using shredded paper, antlers using twigs)

Drama Bear movements

1. Students stand in a space of their own. They warm up by moving in different ways as demonstrated by the parent or teacher, for example shaking hands and fingers, rolling shoulders forwards and backwards, moving head from side to side, bending from side to side, stretching arms and legs in different directions. They repeat activity in response to a piece of music selected for warming up.

2. Students watch Bear clip Think about how it moves and the levels high low and medium of a Bear. What’s happening? Who is involved? Where? When? Why? Teacher assists with ideas as needed. Students may draw images of the bears

3. Students stand in a space of their own. They watch the clip again, this time moving in the space as if you were someone or something from each story. They move arms, legs, head and body in different ways and use different parts of the space to show some simple action.

Music Duration


  • Discuss music – what is it? What does it mean to you? Student answers could include noise, sound, singing, instruments, dance, audience.

  • Discuss how music can be loud or soft (dynamics), fast or slow (duration – tempo), low or high (pitch)

  • Discuss how music has a beat – start tapping a beat on knees, have students join in. Beat can be fast or slow.

  • Discuss how beat mostly stays the same through the song or piece of music.


  • Play a game 'The rhythm in our name'. Teach students that our names have a beat which stays the same but also have a rhythm which is the different sounds in our name.

  • Students sit in a circle and go around the circle with each student clapping or saying the rhythm of their name. Everyone has a turn.

  • Tell the students they are now going to be an orchestra – a big group of musicians who perform together with different instruments

  • Hand out instruments – naming each one as handed out

  • Draw a picture on whiteboard of a tambourine, a maraca and a bell.

  • Explain that the teacher is going to be the conductor. Tap a beat on knees and have the students copy the beat when their instrument is pointed to. When pointed to again the students should stop playing.

  • Explain we will all play together some of the time, and then at other times will just be playing with the others who have the same instrument. When students see the symbol for stop (show symbol with hands) they must stop.

  • Play a steady beat so students become familiar with copying a beat at different tempos. Then change to rhythms. Discuss the difference.


  • Clap some rhythmic patterns with hands on thighs (patsch) and on chests. Explain that this is called body percussion.

  • Have students experiment with making rhythms using body percussion or drumming on the floor

  • Choose some students to drum a rhythm pattern (on body or floor) which the rest of the class then imitates.