Self care

Look After Your Wellbeing by Finding Balance

With the current health situation, many of our normal routines and daily activities are changing. Naturally this can be unsettling, and we can find that the things we usually did to look after our well-being have become difficult. Whether you are working from home, or in some form of physical isolation or distancing, it can be helpful to organise a daily routine that involves a balance between activities that:

• give you a sense of achievement,

• help you feel close and connected with others and

• activities that you can do just for pleasure.

Set a routine. If you are spending more time at home it is important to continue with a regular routine. Maintain a regular time for waking up and going to bed, eating at regular times, and getting ready and dressed each morning. You could use a timetable to give structure to your day.

Stay mentally and physically active. When you plan your daily timetable, have a go at including activities that keep both your mind and body active. For example, you could try learning something new with an online course, or challenge yourself to learn a new language. It’s also important to keep physically active. For example doing rigorous housework for 30 minutes, or an online exercise video.

Information sourced from Psychology Tools- Living with worry and anxiety amidst global uncertainty

Corona Virus Social Story (1).pdf
Resource- The Virus and My Family - Final Version.pdf
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