Term 1 Week 8 Helping my family stay healthy


· Kid’s Health information about germs

· World Health Organisation’s handwashing video

· Images from the NSW Health handwashing poster

· Resources for students to create an artwork, role play, video or book

Learning experiences

1. Using the think, pair, share strategy, lead a class discussion around the following questions:

What are some ways that you keep yourself healthy?

How can you help your family stay healthy?

Why do we wash our hands?

Why don’t we drink out of other student’s drink bottles?

Record students’ ideas to refer to throughout the learning experiences.

Teaching notes: Provide suggestions to the first two questions, for example washing hands, drinking water, getting enough sleep, eating healthy food, covering face when coughing or sneezing.

2. Listen to the Kid’s Health information about germs.

As a class, record the key points from the information.

Ask the question: What was one of the ways that we can prevent the spread of germs?

Teaching notes: You could include the following activity to further explain how germs spread:

Students wet their hands and place a small amount of glitter on them.

Ask students to touch a classroom object, for example a pencil.

Following this activity, ask the questions: ‘

How easily did the glitter spread?’ ‘

How easily can germs spread?’

3. Watch Hand-washing Steps Using the WHO Technique video (1 minute 25 seconds)

Ask the question: ‘What did we learn from this video?

4. Distribute the images from the NSW Health handwashing poster. In pairs, students place the steps in the correct order. Share as a class. ‘Are the pictures in the right order?’ ‘How do we know?’

Teaching notes: provide copies of the images from the NSW Health handwashing poster.

5. In small groups, students create an artwork, book, play or video that teaches their families about handwashing. Students share their artwork, book, role play or video with the class. Provide time for students to offer each other feedback and refine their work. Students share their work with their families.

Teaching notes: choose a format for the students’ work that can be easily shared with families.

6. Refer back to students’ original questions and thoughts:

Have we answered any of our questions?

What would we like to learn more about?