Science and Technology

Science: Melting moments

Every day we see or use things that have been melted or frozen, heated or cooled. All around us are items that we find both useful and attractive that have been moulded into different shapes using heating and cooling. These can range from cast iron frying pans and plastic rubbish bins to chocolate bilbies. Understanding the properties of materials and how they change state under different conditions can help materials scientists to develop even more extraordinary products to help improve our quality of life.

The Melting moments unit is an ideal way to link science with literacy in the classroom. While exploring how solids or liquids are influenced by temperature, students experience the way items from their everyday lives can change. Through hands-on investigations, students investigate how the size of the pieces affects the melting time of chocolate.

Term 1 Week 8

Make ice blocks, or chocolates using molds (or make a mold from foil).

Write the steps involved / recipe

Note when substances need to be heated / cooled / are liquid / solid etc

Write a list of things you notice that melt e.g. cheese on toastie