S1/S2 Drama

S1/S2 Drama - Course Outline

Pupils at MGS attend Drama once a week in S1 and S2

There are three significant aspects of learning in Drama during S1/S2. They are:

Pupils will engage in a range of experiences to increase their knowledge and develop key skills in this curricular area. In class pupils will:

Assessment and tasks:

Drama Evidence of learning at level 3

SAY Tasks and assessments may include: Sharing creative responses; Discussion of areas for development; Verbal evaluative responses; Negotiating and participating in group work; Listening to and encouraging others’ creative responses; Answering questions in class.

MAKE/DO Tasks and assessments may include: Practical exploration of stimulus material; Experimentation with theatre arts (props, costume, lighting, sound, set, acting, make-up); Teacher- and group-led workshops, developing initial ideas (character profile, scenario content etc.); Rehearsal process; Work collaboratively to produce a performance.

WRITE Tasks and assessments may include: Create cue sheets, make-up charts, scripts etc.; Target setting, reviewing; End of unit evaluation essay (S3 only); Evidence folders (S3 only); Home Learning Activities.

Achievement of a level - Level 3 in Drama The following are examples of Achievement of a level at level 3 in Drama:

Creating * I can create and develop a piece of Drama in my group * I can take part and be focussed in team work * I can sustain a realistic or stylised character in performance * I can contribute a variety of ideas to my group * I have used movement to express my role * I have used voice and language to express my role * I can enhance my performance using appropriate theatre arts technology * I can use a variety of stimuli to create a believable piece of Drama

Presenting * I can create a piece of convincing Drama for an audience * I can present scripted or improvised Drama to an audience with confidence * I can communicate to an audience through voice * I can communicate to an audience through movement * I can sustain a variety of roles during performance * I have created appropriate mood and atmosphere in my Drama * I can apply theatre arts to a performance in a meaningful way.

Evaluating and

Appreciating * I can respond and learn from the experience of Drama by sharing my thoughts and feelings * I can accept comments about my work * I can give constructive comments about the work of others