Physical Education

Grades 6-8 Physical Education Course Description

The mission of the Eastern York Middle School Physical Education Department is to provide a safe environment in order to educate minds, develop healthy bodies, and promote positive attitudes towards lifetime physical activity and fitness. Our students will demonstrate personal responsibility, character, integrity, empathy, teamwork, and respect for others while developing awareness in the physical, mental, emotional, and social dimensions of health and physical activity.

Grade 6

  • Team Building

  • Sportsmanship

  • Hygiene

  • Safe Exercise

  • Cooperative Games/Activities

  • Fitness Stations

  • Fitness Testing

  • Sports

Grade 7

  • Team Building

  • Hygiene

  • Safe Exercise

  • Cooperative Games/Activities

  • Personal Choices

  • Fitness Stations

  • Fitness Testing

  • Sports

  • Competitive Sports

  • Tournaments

Grade 8

  • Team Building

  • Hygiene

  • Safe Exercise

  • Cooperative Games/Activities

  • Personal Choices

  • Goal Setting

  • Fitness Stations

  • Fitness Testing

  • Sports

  • Competitive Sports

  • Tournaments