
Objective-Based Middle School Math Courses

The math content at the middle school is taught through numerous units which are set up in an objective-based format. Each unit will address the PA Common Core standards in which students are expected to master. The material will be broken down into objectives. The number of objectives per unit will depend on the content in which the unit is to cover. The objectives will build upon one another throughout the unit to ensure students are deepening their knowledge of the material.

Students will take a unit assessment once all objectives have been covered. Students will be assessed on all objectives using the end of unit assessment. Students will receive an overall score for the assessment; however, each objective will be graded individually. Objectives are each worth five points. In order to receive a 5 out of 5, students are expected to score an 85% or higher on an objective. If they do not, they will receive 0 out of 5. At that point, students will be provided opportunities for remediation and allowed to retake the objective in which they did not reach the 85% goal. Remediation can take many forms depending on the needs of the student: re-teaching, peer tutoring, or simply extra practice to ensure mastery of the objective. Once the student understands the objective they will correctly complete practice problems demonstrating their mastery at least 24 hours prior to attempting a retake. The practice problems can be completed outside of the classroom. Students will be allowed to retake the objective until they score an 85% or higher. Once their goal is met, they will receive 4 points (giving them 4 out of 5 for the objective). The objective-based system ensures students are mastering each objective and eligible content.

Example: If a unit has 4 objectives, the end of unit assessment will be worth 20 total points (5 points per objective). Students must receive an 85% or higher on each individual objective. If a student did not master objective 2 of the unit, but they mastered objectives 1, 3, and 4, they will receive 15 out of 20 points for the unit assessment. The student would then work on remedial activities to better their understanding of the objective 2 material in which they did not master. Once the student is ready, they will retake just the material for objective 2. When the student scores an 85% or higher on their retake, they will earn 4 points back giving them an overall score of 19 out of 20 points on the unit assessment.